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Tangeant Tuesday, brought to you by the overthinker

I should feel refreshed after a relaxing (sorta) 3-day weekend. That's the thing about being in education, the people that run our schedules think we deserve many random 3-day weekends, and I concur. I'm not exactly refreshed however, since I am in the spin cycle of my over-thinking...just keep going around and around!

I have many tangents today.

I just found out that this week we are going to be doing Sex-Ed in the 7th grade tomorrow. Lookin forward to that, especially with these 12 year-old yahoos!

Happy St. Paty's Day. Hope you're wearing green.

I wish there was a book of rules for life...especially for relationships. Black and white could actually be really helpful in certain cases. Unfortunately, most decisions are based on some sorta gray shade. As of an hour ago, my gray sitch just showed its black hue. A decision made. fewf.

I got a rolled up dollar put in my hand by a 92 year old customer I served last night. She looked up from her dark, large glasses and wig bangs and whispered, "Go buy yourself an ice cream cone or something." Based on that statement, I assumed it was only $1, a standard "extra" tip. I checked it out once she left and it was 20 bones! That filled my gas tank.

Lookin' forward to a short week of STD's (teaching Sex Ed, not poor choices in my personal life), friends in town, lots o' sleep, eating groceries instead of food out, good weather and a tax return!


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