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I'm pretty good at labeling things. I particularly enjoy the kind of labels that explain where things go, like on a stack of plastic drawers maybe...

I tend to feel like everything should be labeled or loosely fit into a category. Socks and sports bras in the same drawer?! Whaaat?! They both are worn under things. And I just created a category. In all seriousness how do my husband and kids put up with this? It's a true miracle.

One of the many things I love about blogging is that I don't have to fit all that I want to share into just one category.  I can pretend one day that Blonde Story Short is a (fill in your favorite type of blog) blog and the next week it's a (fill in your second favorite type of blog) blog.  I can write whatever I want!  Thank you Blog Spot.  What a contribution you have made to my life, and hopefully others'.

Since the beginning of the new year, I've been setting aside time to write, because I really LOVE writing. Since I found myself poking around B.S.S, I began reading old posts...throwing down some edits...and eventually labeling!  As usual I do whatever cool people do, 2-5 years after they do it. I finished The Hunger Games series like a week ago. I mean, why read it when it comes out in 2008 when you can wait until 2014? I'm also just getting into the whole mis-matching thing (see my recent post with a yellow top and turquoise necklace- It's pretty WILD) Everyone who blogs uses the labeling or categories feature. I however am just discovering it..and I like it.

So far, I've gone through almost half of my 238 posts (that began in 2008- when my new favorite Adventure/Science Fiction book came out). It's amazing what labeling does for finding patterns. Here's the list so far:

Doing dumb things
Girl Stuff
Traveling Adventures
William Shatner
Workin' out

If these labels prove anything, it's that from 22 to approximately 25, I was a little off.
I still over-think, struggle at times, and use William Shatner as a curse word- you have to yell it or else it doesn't work.

If you've had a blog for more than a couple of years, I highly recommend going through old posts.  It is a trip.

I labeled the Christmas cupcakes I made for work last month. It's important to know whether you are
enjoying the "North Pole cupcake" or the "Naughty cupcake" (which includes a Hershey's
kiss posing as a lump of coal). Labeling treats has likely been in since '06.
I took it up this holiday


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