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Apparently I'm a "Cleaner"

This morning at my Nanny Job...

I know, I know, I haven't mentioned Summer position #3 before. It is a mere 6 hours, 7:00-9:00am three-day-a-weeker. I get two children up and out of bed, feed them breakfast, pack their lunches and drive them to various summer camps. My favorite camps they attend are within 5 miles and provide lunches.

How do I manage all of these duties you ask....and still maintain sleep, sanity, friendships and so many eligible bachelors?  Coffee.  Lots of Coffee.

This morning Aunt Becky (not to be confused with Uncle Jesse's wife) from Carlsbad came out of the guest room, ran into me and said, "Oh, you're the Cleaner."

Confused. "Uh..sorta."

Until now I hadn't realized I'd become the cleaner. The two children are pretty self-sufficient. A simple "Did you make your bed?" and "Gimme that dirty cereal bowl when you're done" is really all they need from me. So, what I end up laundry and unload/loads from the dishwasher! Oh and mopping up the water off the floor from the family dog's dish (it's the best). So when Aunt Becky from Carlsbad not asks me, but tells me I'm the cleaner...I suppose she's right.

Is summer over yet?


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