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Are we there YET?!

Good Lord, is it just me or is this December 97 days long????

I have been planning and planning (and buying and buying) for what seems like forever. For crying out loud, are we there yet?! I've got 4 cities and many a'peeps to see before midnight strikes on the 25th. The next day, I'll be hitting the "fresh pow" reeeeal good-that means I'll be skiing and also that I'm extremely athletic, obviously.

The highlight of preparing for all of these upcoming festive treats was the 2 hour naked break down that took place on the floor of my bedroom Sunday afternoon. Stop imagining it, that's creepy. In an attempt to do some forward-packing, packing ahead of time if you will, I ended up uncontrollably crying due to the ski clothes I have, but could not locate. That seems totally worthy of an all out tantrum in the privacy of ones own 10X10 space, doesn't it? C'mon it's never about what it's "about" as some cynical males say in reference to a woman's emotions (so rude). But really, it wasn't about the ski clothes at all.

Here's what crying about lost ski clothes really meant:
You may now use your screaming the following, with a vein popping out of the left side of my blotchy red neck (redness happens when white girls cry) and yea...the vulnerable state of amost nakedness...not just for fun, the trying on of clothes before packing them is a must in my opinion...
1) Why can't I find one thing in this apartment?! I thought I was good at life, organized. So maybe I put things in random spots every now and then to get them out of my sight, cuz I'm completely anal...we all have our hang ups!

2) Like I have any extra money at all to go purchase an outfit (yea ski clothes are outfits, please keep up) that I'll wear once a fricken year. Man, I gotta make more money...

3) It's not like I can borrow ski clothes from any of my size 0 friends! DAMN IT!

4) I hate Christmas!

Please keep in mind that 1-4 (mostly #4) are completely out of line and just a little bit dramatic, even for me. I don't hate Christmas, what I don't like so much is the extraordinary amount of time and planning involved in making sure Christmas is ALL it is supposed to be. Did I see everyone? Did I get everyone a gift...that they'll actually like? Did I spend too much money (generally, yes)? Am I forgetting to put an essential toiletry in my duffel bag? What if I get a migraine in the altitude?!
And so, I pose the question once more...Are we there yet?!
**I posted this early this afternoon once I decided there would be no more actual work accomplished at my desk. A text conversation took place shortly after writing this post-so I blog AND text from my office, it's almost Christmas I shouldn't anywstill be working anyway! This convo brought up the slight option that I bring some of this holiday stress on myself. This was in response to an "I'm out of my mind, what's wrong with my brain?" message:
J-Slow down baby (yes even strong independent women let their man friend call them baby) Just take one thing at a time.
S-You're right. I need to chill out.
30 seconds later...
S-Hey I was thinking we should go backpacking over Valentines' weekend.
Then a purposeful non-response took place.
I was later teasingly scolded (the only way I'll allow scolding, helloooo)
I'm really good at listening to advice.


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