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Showing posts from June, 2011

Time's are a changing

This week I realized that times are really changing. I'm at my absolute whit's end with my neighborhood that I once would've given my right pinkie to live in... The lack of a designated parking spot often leaves me carrying groceries for a minimum of two blocks-unacceptable, especially if I've already shredded with Jillian Michaels that day, I don't care for extra cardio, thanks. I have absolutely NO patience for hobos (at one time I respectfully referred to them as "the homeless"). The audacity to not only ask me for my last hard-earned dollar, but to also ask "why not" when I say no? Seriously? That does not sit well with me for the next time...and I know there'll be one! Not so long ago the sounds of Thursday night ruckus outside my window might have led me to throw on a flannel, take out the trash and see what kind of trouble I may participate, I'm peeved that the noise has interrupted my sleep, since I've been in bed ...