While the element of surprise can be exciting…I’m a big fan of knowing what to expect when it comes to pregnancy (and life in general, let’s be honest). So far my body (saying “my womb” makes me feel like a total creep) has proven to be running like clockwork. The clocks I go by: My OBGYN/NP and my apps. I have two apps (not like Buffalo wings, apps on my phone. Mmmm buffalo wings…) One is meant to be read daily and the other on the weekly. *It’s amazing to me that the minute you become pregnant your brain’s frame of reference regarding time transforms and instead of thinking “4 and 1/2 months” you say “18 weeks.” Based on observation, the minute the kid comes out, you're supposed to go back to talking in “months” and say things like “20 months” instead of ”A year and 8 months” or something normal like “almost 2.” So much to take in. They (my medical staff and applications) said nausea would be wrapping up around fourteen weeks. This mean...
Tales that are just long enough.