I work mostly nights and when I park my car in front of my cozy little house I pay attention to nothing beyond what I am about to embark on...what I like to call a Zone-Out TV sesh. This is a time when I lie on my couch and stare at the television using the same amount of brain cells and energy as taking a relaxing nap. Then I go to bed. On this particular Saturday I had worked what's called a "Porta-bar" (aka Portable Bar) for eight hours at a Luau and was very tired (mostly tired of making "Coco Loco's") So I paid no attention to the sign outside my house that read "No parking after 2am Sunday." I had briefly noticed the sign earlier in the week and decided that I'd worry about it on Sunday. Duh. So of course returning home on this Saturday night required nothing beyond my normal parking efforts. WRONG. As most of you have figured out, that meant move your fricken car Saturday night, not Sunday! Sunday morning, on my way to meet my good pal for some Starbucks, I walked 6 feet from my door to the spot where my car is usually parked. No Wanda the Honda to be found (My mother once wisely said, "only crazy people name their cars," she may be onto something) My first thought, "Did I leave my car at a bar and take a cab home last night? Definitely not, we're done with that stage." Second thought, "Could it be kharma for being on my way to Starbucks instead of supporting my local, fair trade coffee establishment?" No. Third thought: "Someone stole Wanda!" Also wrong. Conclusion after 5 seconds of utter bewilderment, my car was towed! So, $400 later I get to buy back the car I own that was parked outside of the house I live in from "Star Towing"....not the one down the street, but the one about 20 miles away. Makes perfect sense right? Here's what would actually have made sense to me...Sign on curb: Please do not park here Saturday night because we need your car off this street by Sunday morning. If it is in our way (although we will probably not really need the space for anything of importance) we will tow it to a faraway place where you will give us your week's paycheck. Thanks, San Diego PD. The hidden message-you are an educated 24 year-old and used to teach our youth, you should know the difference between AM and PM.
Today I turned 25. It seemed a little anti-climactic since I've been celebrating for the past 48 hours (life is just so hard). Being that my birthday usually falls on Labor day weekend I tend to do that. I started out Saturday with a typical San Diegan social event...beach followed by bar. Now that I'm OLD, I didn't get drunk and hung-over the next morning, instead I was what one might call balanced and had two margaritas (that were of course purchased for me, gotta love birthdays), an ice cream cone, and a good night's sleep. Holla. Sunday was the fam party which consisted of close friends, fam and OC-tastic BBQin. Since today is a Monday, and NOT Labor Day, it happens to be the first day of school. That may have been a bummer to some but to me all I can say is THANK GOD! A little structure never hurt anybody! Especially a yellow, ESFP, ADHD, Virgo! You'll have to excuse the overload on references...Color Code, Meyers Briggs Personality Test and of course the ...