I can be a bit of a creep sometimes. Unfortunately, being a teacher gives me more than enough opportunities to hone this talent.
One of my sixth graders had In-School Suspension for calling one of her classmates "witch, but with a B." She is the student who others refer to as "CooKoo." I've seen her in action. When a student didn't honor her request to open the door one day she made what others call her "evil eyes" from outside the window.
"Uh oh. She's making her evil eyes! That means she's gonna try to kick one of us!" I could feel the genuine fear in the room. In fact, I started to sweat a little bit myself.
Last week I walked into an administrator's office to find "Jungle girl" camped out there for her suspension. She had her evil eyes on. I asked her about it.
"Hey you, what's goin on up there?" (Referring to her very interesting mind)
"It's a jungle up there."
"It's a jungle up there."
"Yea? Would I wanna vacation there? Ya know, but not actually live there?"
"Well...it's not a tropical jungle!"
"Oh. Well what kind of jungle is it?" Most might think it appropriate to stop the conversation with Jungle girl here. I challenge that opinion.
"A jungle with all kinds of papers!"
"Really? What's written on the papers?"
"All of the thoughts I've had!"
Once again, a level headed human would halt (especially a teacher). I however, continued to pry.
"Like No-No thoughts?"
No words were needed. Her and her evil eyes answered yes. The shaking up and down of her head helped too.
"Welp, see ya later."