Lately it's been a rough one...I'm steering clear of calling it a rough week, because for this particular pocket of my world, it's been a rough 6 months. Boo.
As mentioned before, I'm the kid at work who has to prove herself. YAY! Yes I know that I am practically still a tween, but having graduated college almost five years ago, I HAVE HAD JOBS before now. Crazy right? The school loans and rent have been paid for the last 1/2 decade, really.
Anywho... without that information being known or acknowledged, I have become the "new" teacher who might be (or very clearly will be in some opinions, like my own) good enough to give a classroom next year. Although it is still strangely unclear whether or not this will be offered to this deserving and qualified teacher, I am offended that the choice is not more obvious. That being said, last week I was called a terrible name, one that is the worst than any of the others known world wide by their first letter. I was called..."Second Choice."
I will avoid my entire being that wants to tell all of you every detail of what I've accomplished this year and why I feel like that two word naughty name feels like a punch to the ovaries. Instead, I'll share the beautiful mechanism of coping.
First comes fight OR flight. I chose fight. In fact, I warn you may want to steer clear of this scenario. While I avoid the temptation to take flight, and cry so much that my red cheeks debut, I generally am skilled in stalling until the confrontation is complete, maintaining the appearance of a hardcore individual. Second, upon leaving the environment begin to hysterically cry. I mean, I hear that's what some people do. Next, hop on the phone with someone who will know what has happened before you begin to explain. I find that the initial thirty seconds of sniffling noises gets the point across. Then, post tear trauma, arrive at home and begin to straighten your room and clean the kitchen. This can be a truly magical time for those of us that gush over every pillow placed in it's correct space. Finally, productivity sets in. Calls are made and actions are taken to FIX whatever the problem may be. This way, when you update everyone you know in your world, they can feel relieved knowing you have a plan in place, a ball rolling if you will. While all these stages occur within approximately twenty minutes total, they are essential to the coping process. This allows for minimal red cheeks and ranting for at least the next 48 hours, before the topic is put in your face once again. I have found this works especially well if your particular confrontation is work related and happening on a Friday...