It's very probable that for the next month or so this blog will leave its usual topics (random crap and men?) and transform into one that reflects material similar to that of The Nanny Diaries. Damn my current sitch.
Although I have the blessing of a salary and bene's until the end of the month (isn't that nice) I am currently and technically unemployed. I will refrain from getting into all the reasons I should NOT be in this situation (going off on a former female boss is not fun for anyone, nor the point of "Nanny Diaries") and instead focus on what this means for me currently.
Attempting the whole forward thinking thing (an ongoing journey) has me taking part in the glorious world of childcare. If I make millions in the month of July, August may not be disastrous, obvi. I feel like a young girl again...19 and stoked for an under the table ten bucks an hour. By the way I find the mentioning of the "under the table" part to be very significant. Sort of like when I'm bartending and in the midst a sailing conversation I manage to throw in that I have another full-time career. It's important to me to get the respect I deserve. While I much appreciated my former fellow teachers' young and some just young at heart ages, at this point in my career it's at a whole 'notha level; my current colleagues range from ages one to three.
I've come to a few conclusions in the past week of my career in transition... what else is new? You can always count of this blonde to "figure out" people and situations and then tell you about it ;) The first conclusion is that moms are skinny for a reason...
What a novel idea having a picnic at the big grass field over yonder sounds like. Until you the babysitter, or nanny if we're trying to sound legit, realize the entire walk is uphill and the double stroller (children vertically situated, as opposed to horizontally side by side) is holding your lunch, purse, towel for all to sit on, miniature "Dora the Explorer" shoes, blanket since San Diego thinks July gloom is allowed, multiple sippy cups and water bottle (for when I'm about to pass out on yard 10 of a street called "Hill") with children included totals at approximately 70 pounds. I don't know about you ultimate athletes but personally, when I chose to power walk or even run (obviously occurring on an every other day basis with free weight integration 3-4 times a week, all while eating a hand full of raw almonds for "satisfaction of hunger") I avoid anything steep and pushing extra weight at all costs. Dis be a workout! Good thing I'm not trolling for men in the local area anymore 'cause I am REALLY attractive during these times. Once at the field (walking to an actual park is not an option geographically speaking) we each eat our lunch which consists of 1/2 a peanut butter on double fiber wheat, blue berries and for me the privileged adult, a Peligrino. Did I mention this is why moms are skinny?
Generally on the walk back home with toddler fast asleep and three year old talking nonsensically loud, I'm just about ready to get the EFF outta there...mostly to hear myself think, sanitize and have an early evening glass of Chard. With just one more dreaded childcare task at hand, they've lost me. Patience is gone (although not in an obvious way. I DO have to keep this $10/hr under the table gig for minimum of another month) and I'm counting down the last hour.
Then adorable 3 year old girl, wearing floppy hat and all, innocently asks, "Do you HAVE to leave after our bubble bath Miss Sawa?" And my heart melts. While this just sounds totally precious, and it is, it only makes my crazy wheels spin in one direction. No, not in the direction of being a nanny for longer than a month...but in one that doesn't include working at all and instead being the mom to a little shit of my own! See how terrible this transition is for everyone involved!?!