And here I am again, asking the same damned thing.
Much like the past two summers I'm left wondering what the FRICK I'm going to do in the fall. Isn't it just great that teachers, those supposedly molding our future generations, have the least stable positions of anyone? I'll postpone jumping on my Soap box for another time, my archaic computer may not live long enough for all that I have to "share" on that subject.
After being totally screwed this past year (that topic not being postponed but rather omitted altogether) I'm seriously considering leaving the education "industry." I quote the word as its run unlike any other industry in the world...leaving all professionalism aside for some reason or another.
The endless job options (remember where there's a will, there's a way) may and most likely will provide better income, growth potential and overall sanity. I mean really, are the summers "off" worth spending anxiously waiting for answers and the slight hope that someone, anyone, might hire you? You meaning ME?
Then another question occurred to me. What is it that keeps me so loyal (or maybe painfully in bondage to) teaching? Is it possible that the passion for students and the profession as a whole is actually more about a little thing called FEAR? Fear that this profession has become my identity? That I'm obsessed with the idea of being called "Teacher" and being viewed as nurturing and creative and all the other positive adjectives that title exudes?
Or perhaps FEAR that there may not be another career that I'm as good at as teaching...like it's my only shot at totally avoiding failure!
Who the hell knows. It's 9:30 and I'm going to bed. That's what happens when you're an unemployed nearly 26 year-old ;)
oh, and i have never thought of any teacher as creative or nurturing. they all seem like drones to me. sorry.
and yes, that 'business' is run in a totally screwy way. sorry it's screwing you.