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Some TV

Sometimes some people watch some TV when they're unemployed. That's just what I've heard.

While it's probably wrong to coin myself as UE, the 25 hours a week I grace the yacht club with my terrible attitude just don't feel like a real, full-time job. My fellow servers and bartenders love it when I say that. They don't think it's rude and offensive at all. Actually the fact that I receive unemployment (technically legal since I did lose my full-time gig and report my yachty earnings) isn't at all annoying to them either.

Anyhoo, back to my recent favorite ack., TV. I've been really reaping the benefits (since I don't have any other benefits) of my AT&T Uverse account. Whodathought spending a hundo a month on mind numbing distractions would come in so darn handy?

Because of this TV dazed stage of my life, I have developed some opinions (weird I know) about some certain programs:

1. If I have to see or hear the commercials for Oprah's final season one more time...a)If I had bazillions of dollars, (that much money is cause for invented words) I too would take random strangers to Australia. Why the hell not? and b) the over dramatized song in the background of all the visual nonsense is enough to make me lose it! I find myself looking around my empty living room to find someone and ask, "Is that NOT the worst song you've ever heard?!" Needless to say, in that moment my roommate is at work, like a normal person at 11am.

2. The Bachelor Pad. A guilty pleasure/obsession. After a long night of bar tending I watched our Tivo-ed two hour finale. Now that is some good TV. Worthy of a midnight bedtime and the dangerous quadruple-time-commercial fast forward...seeing all the arrows is always anxiety ridden. My favorite is that there is inevitably one (or two in this case) female that is just certain her reality TV friend-with-benies is going to end up "changed" and wanting to marry her. At the conclusion of the finale she (they) were both wrong. Shocker.

3. VMA's resulted in three realizations for me: After Justin's Nokia live performance I just may have Bieber fever AND while hip hop music is not my forte, Eminem inspires me to put on a hoodie and drop some mad flows. Beyond the Cauc-y boys... while I love my own boo, if given the opportunity, I might accept Usher's hand in marriage. Those moves. Like MJ but way less creepy. Love it.

Mmm that's all for now.


stephanier said…
love the TV post. Welcome to the bieber fever wagon... and is it just me, or was usher lip syncing/ not singing at all? its cool tho... his moves are legit!

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