I'm all for affirming others. I was a teacher who gave all my students "A's" for cryin out loud (most of them anyway). I think telling someone or being told by someone, how great they/you are is absolutely wonderful! I've even build an entire relationship on it. Calm down I'm kidding.
What's really bugging me lately is the constant ooooogling that goes on publicly...not publicly like in the middle of Fresh & Easy, like really publicly; Hollywood.
I may have written a few choice critiques one time on a little lady named Oprah. Her Harpo-rrific show is a prime example of a total oogling fest. This is all based on the episodes I've been forced into watching of course (OK I willingly watched her interview with Georgie W, what can I say I'm a sucker for a sweet smile and Republican values???) Moving on...
Every time I watch (or am viciously tied up and given no choice but to do so), the Big O has one of her Hollywood besties on so they can yuck it up in front of a live studio audience, going on and on for far too long about how fantastic they both are. Yea that's what I want cued up on Tivo after a long day of Excell spreadsheets-a conversation about how amazing O and Travolta's joint Christmas in Belize was. We get it. You have billions and your famous friends have billions and you love nothing more than spending millions in each other's presence. Let it rip.
Me and my friends have spent extravagant holidays together too-like that one 4th of July on the outskirts of Santa Barbara sharing a blow up mattress and bottle of Popov. You don't see me oogling about it in mixed company. Seriously lets just give it a rest. I promise if you do, we won't forget how cool and rich you are...
not for a least a few days.