While I often reference the "excel spreadsheet" portion of my job, my responsibilities are actually quite vast. Like right now, I am in charge of yelling at people. Why does that sound so appealing?
My "yelling" is generally through email unless you refuse to cooperate...then I get you on the horn. I tell you (in a friendly Christian University sorta way) you are missing paperwork that will consequently keep you from getting what you want...your units (not that kinda unit calm yourself), your clinical hours and thus your degree.
I won't go into details, but will just say that most of my paper world is health related. We gotta know you aren't gonna be giving others in the community the Swine Flu and things of that nature.
While yelling is fun, I find connecting and relating to people much more exhilarating...I know, you totally wish we were besties, or maybe friendly neighbors. With the confidential information I see daily, I could find ways to get my connection on with these students real good...
"No way! You get hives from Penicillin? ME TOO!!!"
"Man, isn't having Tuberculosis the absolute worst?! I hated that."
If I had it my way, we'd be talkin' migraines and rashes all day long...maybe some day.