I have a boo. And to be honest, after reviewing some older posts, it's hard to believe I met a man I actually want to spend considerable amounts of time with. I'm sorta but not really, kidding. Regardless, I believe the reason I've allowed this Quarter-Latin-Prize to make himself comfortable in my little world is because (and I'll say this one and ONE time only): My boo is The Best. Like the Best of the Best. No I'm not going to make that my status update. Calm down. What I'm not admitting right now is that I've been tricked into falling in love, but rather that the man I've fallen in love WITH...makes fun of Brad.
Brad who? Join me in 2011...Brad is this season's Bachelor. Let's explore together...
Brad is a sweet, southern gentleman, whose body is clearly the worst.
B-Rad is the first of the Baches, remember we're in season 15 (episode 6) here, who isn't a complete tool. The poor, except actually quite rich, guy is just trying to keep everyone happy; in other words preventing ELEVEN women from crying once they've started pouring their "heart" out all over his obviously hideous face. The boo (back to mine, not ABC's) finds it an absolute riot when his radio show pal Stern calls Brad a "retard" and pokes at his habit of saying, "Gurls....please" soaked in southern draw. *Please note that my opinion on the whole Howard Stern thing is...well let's just say I'm coming around to it. A wise woman once said 'tis better to have a man laugh at chauvinism, than act like a pig.
I'm gonna go with that.
While the opinion on Brad is something I'm willing to negotiate, I still feel I need to make a very strong "suggestion:"