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Gym rat

Yea I've been a gym-goer lately. Thanks for noticing.

My latest and greatest (for now at least) way to work it out, "it" meaning the womanly figure, is to hit up my gym's group exercise classes...otherwise known as Group X, catchy right? Don't you immediately feel compelled to join in and see what exactly their X-factor is?

Being back to two jobs (tutor extraordinaire recently added to my resume) makes it a little difficult to fit in cardio-tastic workouts like I should . I mean sure I could do some bicep reps at home while eating my typical stir fry din and watching Gossip Girl, but is that really gonna burn fat? Unlikely. Notice I didn't question whether or not it would make me sweat...

Group X Classes, so hardcore, keep me coming back for more because of their three vital factors:

1. In-doors and in-PointLoma

2. Located on the top level of the meat mark..., I mean gym

3. Enticing for anti-social behavior

Here's the deal with number one. Once the sun is even thinking about going down, I don't want to be out jogging. The last thing that seems appealing after a long day is the stress of literally racing the clock to avoid getting jumped or thrown in a white hippy van. Even if I was all in on the run-in-the-dark thing, I'd have to have a running buddy (because of the white van) and be forced to wear some sort of reflective, glow in the dark vest. And I don't wear vests. Secondly, we're actually still on vital factor number one, so more like "1b" if you will; The fact that my gym (which is supposedly available to me 24 hours a day) is in Point Loma, makes it about 50x more likely that I'll come be a part of the whole thing. While I consider myself "adventurous," I have no interest in venturing more than five miles to go do...anything on a Tuesday evening...prior to watching Glee. You may call it snobby to insist on staying west and south of the 8 freeway, I prefer to call it particular.

While geographic location makes the gym convenient, the Group X room on the top level of the building, makes it tolerable. I don't even want to go down into the first floor's muggy dungeon to use the women's restroom. Consequence: all my coworkers seeing my pale legs and stained "workout" shirts on the way out of the building, I'm not above using the faculty bano for my own personal locker room.
I may be a little hasty in my first floor opinion, it is still NYR (New Year's Resolution) season. Who knows, maybe some gym rats will fall off the wagon (or the treadmill) and the crowds will cease...hence the entire building will be less sticky? Always an optimist.

Third and finally, I prefer to not be friends with other gym enthusiasts. Harsh right? I'm just being truthful. I don't visit 24 Hour Active to yuck it up and get my social interaction fix. If Nobuko keeps us waiting an extra five for TKB (clearly I refer to Turbo Kick Boxing, but you already knew that) I'll sit right there on the floor, criss-cross-apple-sauce and silently ponder the day's happenings. Why stand and mindlessly chat about supplements or pretend to stretch. I don't need that in my life. Besides, if I were here to make friends (or make more than that, eww) don't you think I'd come looking a little better than this? There's a reason the Lululemon Capri's and matching sports tank don't come out for TKB or Body Pump. I prefer to wear that elegant apparel when I'm NOT working out. This makes much more sense, why would I spend sixty bucks on pants I'm going to expose to the filthy Group X floor? duh. Doesn't anyone else realize the pupose of good workout pants is to look like we're so active we have to be outfitted all day just in case...and hold-in our less-than-taught buns, hello???
3 reasons or not, 24 Active has me active, hoping to keep it up with all that living in a beach city entails...especially during the summer looking fit while you drink beer.


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