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Reaction: OUTRAGE

Since I find myself in a fragile state, once again, the only real exercises in which I'm allowed to partake are 1) cycling, which involves going to a gym and 2) "Speed" walking. Too much speed could cause some damage, so careful I am...

Just not careful enough.

While I try to limit my time alone on the streets of the 'Mont, I couldn't help but go for a speedy walk on this past bright Saturday morning.

Before getting to the meat of this tale, I'd like to throw it out there that I don't love dogs like everyone else in the world...go ahead and judge me. Are they cute? Yes, most of them are. Do I think they're cute enough to pick up their fices and hair that sheds all over my tile and pillow cushions? Mmmm not really. (Do I hate it when people ask a series of questions then answer them? Definitely)....

With my "Today's hits" station in my ears and a spring in my step, I walked as closely to the street as I could so as to not bother (to ignore really) a small 'montie and his two large dogs that were dominating the sidewalk. My polite efforts were not appreciated and just to prove this, one of the big, dumb dogs came up...and bit the crap out of my exposed white thigh. Pink Nike shorts aren't usually a bad call, on that particular day they were. In complete outrage (along with fear, anger and I dunno, maybe a little physical pain!) I hit the pause button, pulled a bud out of my ear and as rudely as possible asked, "Did SHE just BITE me?!?" Most would perhaps act embarrassed or apologetic, I would think. Instead the owner replied, "They're not very good in public." While I can think of many, many responses today ("come-backs" if we were still in junior high) all that came to my lips was, "Ooooooookaaaaaay" with much 'tude and a fierce stride away.

Then I started crying. Yea, you can feel sorry for me if so inclined. A fricken DOG bit me! Who gets bit by random dogs? I think you now know the answer to that question.

I'm not sure which made me more upset (and ultimately brought to tears, during my speed walk of all things): Being scared, of having rabies? Being bummed out, about what this freakin world has come to? Or being OUTraged that not only was the dog a big jerk, but his owner was too.

Damn dogs.


Rowdy said…
i hate pets. you're not alone.

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