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Showing posts from June, 2015

Oh Come on Kaitlyn!

So up until this week I had respect for Kaitlyn.  She was straight forward, appropriately confrontational, confident and fun. I was even willing to look past the double bird elbow tats and constant reminder that she likes to rap. Well, I lost half of that well deserved respect the week she let Old-News-Nick   join the perspective husbands  team-  or as ABC calls them, The Cast. This tool shows up aaaaaand....POOF! Typical stupid girl appears within minutes! It was almost magical. Here's what's happening Kait... I'm writing to her  directly because I'm sure no one else on the internet is doing that right now. Some hipster you were once "talking to" (code for he used texting you as a cure for boredom ) is now back on the scene after ya'll mysteriously "lost touch." The simple fact is this: you are getting a LOT of attention from a bunch of other dudes ON A NATIONAL TELEVISION SHOW THAT CHRIS HARRISON HOSTS and Nick has once again become cu...

What a hip post

With millennials home for summer, I've become hyper aware of the various lists that hit the internet scene daily...I think I've heard "Buzz Feed" referencecd at least 3-5 times in the last two weeks. Let's face it, I'm not cool at all so knowing what's going on is probably a step in the right direction.  Or shall I say knowing what's "hip." (No one says "hip" without "ster" at the end of it anymore, what a shame...that everyone is a Hipster...not the sudden halt in using the word "hip," just so we're clear) My little six month old princess is keeping me busy these days, babies sleep less as the months go on, did you know that?  I didn't. And so...writing has become quite a commodity. This is a real tragedy when my morning caffeine rush has blog ideas flying like mad in this head of mine.  If only I could get them all down, what a substantial difference I could make in the world! So today, in honor of...