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Showing posts from June, 2016

Bouncing Back.

Life is weird. If you took the time to read my story about having my sweet Charlotte Grace then you know that a small part of that journey was miscarrying three months prior to getting pregnant with her. I never thought that would happen in my life. I mean, why would it? Now it's happened twice . A week really can make all the difference.  Today I'm full of energy and feeling alive .  A week ago...let's just say that was NOT the case. Grieving always makes me stop and evaluate, and of course having had a loss like this before, makes me consider the differences between life then and now. My husband said it best: Having had a healthy, perfect baby is like already having a million bucks.  Sure, another million would be great but can you really truly mourn when you already have a million bucks running around your house!? Other factors contribute to the ability to bounce back quicker this time around...I'm home full time with my little one so I don't have ...