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I can't even

Title appears basic I know.  But it seemed more appropriate to me than "I've completely lost my …."


This week is really building on itself with each day more germy and crazy-making than the last.  The Winter cold/bug/whatever you call the thing our children get and pass on that Doctors can't do a thing about, has gone from GONE two weeks ago to BACK with a vengeance and through a 4 year old, Mommy, Daddy and nearly-2-year-old (who we still call "the baby").

Mamas have no shortage of stories, sometimes rants, to share on a daily basis- but trust me when you add the sickness layer to the already chaotic scene of raising tiny, crazy out.

I'm  holding it all together practically speaking. The laundry is completely done (which never happens- I'm talking all 6 hampers around the house empty including the one that only houses "things to get bleached," numerous dishes continue to be unloaded and loaded (cooking every meal for 6 days straight makes that chore never ending), and corners are gleaming with Lysol- what can I say it's how I cope.  If only I wasn't sleep deprived, I might be in tact emotionally and mentally as well...

Babies, even those that are almost two, can't help but be jerks in the middle of the night when they're sick.  Like, real jerks. Mine, who's cuter than a button I mean really, is very much like a possessed creature around midnight, 2am and 5am. Last night we tried almost all the beds and couches in the house. Obviously we're not interrupting big sister who other than coughing is sleeping soundly in her room next door. That's the thing with life (and kids), everyone's got their stuff.  Charlotte can keep you on your toes big time- but when it comes to sawing logs, kid is a gold medalist.  She's an unbelievable sleeper.  Thank you very much. I take total credit for that one.  I've slept like a baby (that saying makes no sense in my opinion) in a room of 10 twin beds full of strangers lined up on the floor, it was a German hostel type of situation. So much more to that story but the point is I'm almost a narcolept. That being said, having an insufficient amount of sleep and the sleep I am getting being uncomfortable and interrupted, messes with me big time. I could crawl right out of my skin. I'm more than thankful that Husband had coffee made before he left this morning. I needed the juice bad.

Somehow in the midst of this unfortunate exhausted state, I do find the energy and empathy needed to love on my girls and give them what they need-a mommy to lay on usually. I would call that a *God thing.
*I realize it's an overused Christian idiom, but one that has its place. I can't describe those bigger-than-us-dig-deeper moments in a more accurate way. Just me ;)

I could write all about all the things I've been doing to care for these babes (they can't just pop cold meds or cough syrup like we can) but I fear you'll move past the "that was helpful" point to the "ugh another person who wants to give me kid- advice right now and I mostly just want to cry and tell them to shut up." No? Just me? Maybe I'm crabbier than other moms.

What I'm choosing to write about instead of various holistic "remedies," is what the HECK to do to keep yourself sane while you care for everyone.

1. Isn't there a popular book right now called Girl wash your face? Of course I'm not totally sure since it's a pop culture deal but I will say this- GIRL, go take a shower. Almost losing it #48 this morning led me to the only solution of just. taking. a. shower. By myself to be clear. Why is everyone trying to get in on my shower time? sheesh. This could only take place once Bailey submitted to a morning nap and Auntie Netflix got set up for Lotte. Do what you gotta do.

2.  After you've finished drinking coffee for the day (around 11am for me, I'm a sipper) fill up the 'ol bottle and get your hydrate on. I'm no promoter but I'm digging this Hydro Flask thing.  Ice for daaaays. Here's the deal, you don't have the things you need to survive (like WATER!) ready and at your hand, you're not getting it on days like these. Somebody wants a snack or to go potty and your lack of hydration don't mean a thing! With less sleep (than you deserve) you need to be drinking water! I personally had to deal with a migraine this week because of neglecting this. Nobody has time for that nonsense. Oh you need a dark room and a nap. That's cute.

3. Once you're out of the fever and snot everywhere zone, find some errand to do or reason to drive somewhere so that a. you don't have anyone ON you for a few minutes b. those that aren't napping, will...if they're willing to do so in a carseat. I find refuge in that. You may also end up seeing another adult human being on that drive/errand, that'll probably be a good thing as well. Yesterday we finally got out and dropped off the donation pile that was in the trunk. Felt good. I also put on some tunes in the front seat for a little pumping up...and between you and me "Skater Boy" by Avril has been in my head ever since. My friends and I called her Avril in college.  We totally knew her.

4. Make your cooking fun somehow. You have to do it regardless so why not make something creative and feel like you just spiced up your life (literally).

5.  Work Out.  You need it.  Otherwise small children will be harmed.  And that's not right.

6. Paint your nails.  When?  I don't know. Just try.  It'll make you feel like you're actually a woman...not just a mom. Then you can admire them when you're using those hands to do all the productive things that you do ;)

7. Get dressed. No not in real clothes! What are you crazy? Take off your pajamas and put on your workout pants and a sports bra underneath that V-neck.  You know you've been braless for way too many hours.  Get your life together.

And finally...attempt something that's for YOU (again, during nap and cartoon time).  For me, that's writing THIS today.

Thanks for letting me create something and
If your kiddos are sick- hoping they get well!


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