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Showing posts from September, 2008

Unstable Cliffs

Why is it that there are seasons where it seems like everyone is going through a bunch of crap, all at once! Everything from career change and boyfriend blues to making life changing decisions and tissue know who you are. It seems like everyone in my life is dealing with something gnarly...including myself, I'm in my life too. I think it's a season for some change and definitely some growth for most of us. I know personally I've experienced more ish, mostly upstairs (I told you earlier you didn't want to be there!) in the last 4 months than in my entire life...possibly excluding a stage in '06 where I became single and confused rather abruptly (but that's a story that requires a lot of time and coffee,or something a little stronger) It seems easy enough to change habits, but how HARD is it to change thinking habits? That was retorical btw. In the life of Sada (that would be me) I'm in the process of retraining myself to think in healthie...

Fall Fashion Frenzy!

So I got my hair done today and since I forget to bring my current book along with me EVERY time, I sat under one of those heater things and read fashion magazines. What ran through my head (aside from the fact that those models must be really hungry!!!) is how stoked I am for FALL FASHION! Something about sweaters and cute slacks get me freakin pumped, enough that I kinda want a real job by then so that I can partake in this glory! Who knows, maybe I'll miraculously be teaching by then...and wearing really cute fall gear obvi. Lookin' forward to boots, tights (although I live in San Diego and will probably still be sweating...alot), cute cardi's and scarves! Here's hopin' I have a real job and money to purchase cute fall clothing by the time mid October hits. SD probably won't be even remotely chilly 'til December...more time to earn some skrill for sweater shopping I suppose. Come typical toasty season or not, once it's officially "Fal...

To teach or not to teach...that (currently) is the question

So I talked to a "teacher friend" this weekend at a Bachelorette party and I explained my goal to have the life of a stay at home mom, without kids....ya know? No job, but also no kids. Too much to ask? Probably. Anyway, she explained a teaching position that one of her teaching friends has at a school nearby and how it is DA BOMB! Part-time,full benies and normal, young teachers, gotta love that! WTF do I want to do with my life? Not feelin the independent consultant thing all the time...especially not lately. Waitressing makes me wanna punch babies (I hate it that much) and my restaurant is closing down next month to remodel for a year. Gotta figure out something fast! Do I want a routine or a random (waitress-like) schedule? Maybe I just like working nights now because it's still summer. Once fall hits, and it's comin soon, my days off won't be quite as exciting I don't think! Life plan = TBA!!!

...a cardio experience like no other

I said I was an "avid journaler." Even more, I am an avid DANCER...and I don't mean the really good kind...I mean the really insane kind. It all started with 5th grade jazz routine to Gloria Estephan's Turn the Beat Around . The pics below are from celebrating my 24th birthday with friends, one night downtown and the next in OB at my favorite beachy bar spot. Neither one of these places are known for their dancing but I was not afraid to bring it and YOU shouldn't be either. A bouncer walking past me whispering with a sarcastic tone, "Excuse me JLO" didn't discourage me from gettin my grove on ;) Give me some tunes and a little alcohol (although the latter is not necessary...okay sometimes the former isn't either!) and I'll dance all night, and/or day I suppose. Good friends know what to expect, generally causing pictures like these to come into existence. Most of my besties join in on the idiocy themselves. With all that being said, I write...

"David's Cozy Little Backpacker Hostel of Berlin"

I finally freaked out today (in the confines of my own head). I'll rewind for a moment. I arrived Saturday night in Berlin, Germany at "David's Cozy Little Backpacker Hostel." aka the cheapest one I could find on I would be staying here the next three nights and it was by far the weirdest place I'd seen...ever. A host of norwegian 18 year old girls were quite the welcome wagon. They told us we had to go out with them and (in a seductive, creepy manner) that "...they'd never been out with American girls before." That, along with the staring and graze along my rear as one walked past me was my que to go to bed and take a raincheck! So here we are. Thus far, although I have experienced various unclean and disturbing circumstances on this trip, I have not yet allowed myself to be "high-maintenance." Well, today is the day where that all comes to an end. I had to wait for the one and only shower in the hostel. I w...