I said I was an "avid journaler." Even more, I am an avid DANCER...and I don't mean the really good kind...I mean the really insane kind. It all started with 5th grade jazz routine to Gloria Estephan's Turn the Beat Around. The pics below are from celebrating my 24th birthday with friends, one night downtown and the next in OB at my favorite beachy bar spot. Neither one of these places are known for their dancing but I was not afraid to bring it and YOU shouldn't be either. A bouncer walking past me whispering with a sarcastic tone, "Excuse me JLO" didn't discourage me from gettin my grove on ;) Give me some tunes and a little alcohol (although the latter is not necessary...okay sometimes the former isn't either!) and I'll dance all night, and/or day I suppose. Good friends know what to expect, generally causing pictures like these to come into existence. Most of my besties join in on the idiocy themselves. With all that being said, I write this "post" not to brag about my sweet steps, but to encourage YOU to get some moves of your own that make you feel CAREFREE and like a child again! Not only will you be as happy as a kid with cake breath but everyone else will enjoy it too...and for the peeps who look at you like you belong in the circus, bask in the glory of knowing you don't take yourself too seriously and can take pleasure in all that this crazy life has to offer. And don't worry for those of you that just can't let lose, one day, some gym, somewhere in the world will let me come teach a class entitled "The Beara's Ridiculous Dance Moves...a cardio experience like no other" This will give you all the basics you need to know to dance like an insane person...location and time to be announced.

Today I turned 25. It seemed a little anti-climactic since I've been celebrating for the past 48 hours (life is just so hard). Being that my birthday usually falls on Labor day weekend I tend to do that. I started out Saturday with a typical San Diegan social event...beach followed by bar. Now that I'm OLD, I didn't get drunk and hung-over the next morning, instead I was what one might call balanced and had two margaritas (that were of course purchased for me, gotta love birthdays), an ice cream cone, and a good night's sleep. Holla. Sunday was the fam party which consisted of close friends, fam and OC-tastic BBQin. Since today is a Monday, and NOT Labor Day, it happens to be the first day of school. That may have been a bummer to some but to me all I can say is THANK GOD! A little structure never hurt anybody! Especially a yellow, ESFP, ADHD, Virgo! You'll have to excuse the overload on references...Color Code, Meyers Briggs Personality Test and of course the ...