So I talked to a "teacher friend" this weekend at a Bachelorette party and I explained my goal to have the life of a stay at home mom, without kids....ya know? No job, but also no kids. Too much to ask? Probably. Anyway, she explained a teaching position that one of her teaching friends has at a school nearby and how it is DA BOMB! Part-time,full benies and normal, young teachers, gotta love that! WTF do I want to do with my life? Not feelin the independent consultant thing all the time...especially not lately. Waitressing makes me wanna punch babies (I hate it that much) and my restaurant is closing down next month to remodel for a year. Gotta figure out something fast! Do I want a routine or a random (waitress-like) schedule? Maybe I just like working nights now because it's still summer. Once fall hits, and it's comin soon, my days off won't be quite as exciting I don't think! Life plan = TBA!!!