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Seriously...Who does that?...brought to you by the medicated girl

I have a lot on my mind today. This week seems especially anxiety ridden. My full-time job ended almost three weeks ago. That's what happens every June when you work at a school.

The first week of Summer I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off, continuing the process that I started back in April...finding a job for summer! I have my "side job" but whadoya know, bartending 2-4 shifts a week surprisingly doesn't pay all the bills...maybe like 1/2 the rent and a payment on that Visa I racked up the first year out of college.

The second week was "7 Days, Live or Die?" A title Dad came up with for our first ever vacation with "Dot 1" only (Dot = daughter).

Now here I am on week #3 out of a job, sitting in my car, in OB. Don't worry, I'm not living in it, not yet at least! But the "Seriously who does that?" moment I just experienced called for nothing short of a silent, car, sulk sesh.

Before you read this you outta know just a few pieces of the spin cycle going on under that pony tail of mine...and what might have been a minor cause of my stupid, stupid move:

1) I got a call yesterday from Nordstrom and it seems I've been chosen to assist them during their big Anniversary sale in about a week. 10 days of crazy women prematurely shopping for fall attire. I can't afford to purchase and had to be a part of it somehow! So-I will be the person taking your money and wrapping your newly purchased cardigan in tissue for those of you that plan to partake. This is a blessing. A week and a half of insane hours and total madness, but extra income I would not have otherwise had.

2)I have an interview tomorrow for a job that will begin in the fall, that can only work out if about seven other situations fall into place...ya know one of those ones where if it all comes together you know if was divine! The thing is, I shouldn't even be using the gas to get to this interview right now (La Jolla is just SO far away) I'm that broke! Which is why I can't really be focusing on a FALL job, when I need to get my summer ones under control!!! WILLIAM SHATNER!

3) Immediately following Fall job interview (hope it doesn't take longer than an hour and a half) I have an interview for another serving job. I am just praying the Lord will place all these crazy puzzle pieces together to make one nice little clean summer schedule!

4) I started a new migraine medication. I'm high maintenance in a few ways, this is one of them, I get migraines. I'm getting used to the new meds day by day. I'm finally okay with the numbness in random body parts but the feeling like a stoner thing has got to go! (BTW No pun intended on the "High" maintenance thing. But it just jumped out at me. yea ok)

Which leads me to my experience...

I ventured to the OBcean laundry mat (closer than my usual fave that's in Mission Beach) and figured I'd do the whole 2 birds/1 stone thing. While my clothes were drying I'd take a run down the pier, hopefully getting my body moving would make my brain catch up! After 24 minutes of the wash cycle (which I spent reading Job Giant magazine and watching a homeless man play PacMan) I thought I'd save some quarters by drying both loads together, so economical these days. I mean we're in a recession for goodness sake!

I stuffed the clothes in the "Double Loader," threw in $2.50, hit start and then got that feeling, that even stoney kids get when something is just off. The attendant told me I could put all my clothes in that one machine if my hand still could still fit in the machine, on top of the pile. Well it did. But how could it all spin and get dry without more room than just the space of my freakishly small hand?

Wait a minute!


That's right, all those whites...and darks just got washed a second time...together! Good one. I will now go take out the very clean garments and put them in the DRYER.

If I don't get more acclimated to these meds I'll be one really BLONDE blonde.
Seriously, who does that?!


livelaughlove said…
This made me think of you! Watch the video on the page.....
Rowdy said…
take the J outta 'job' and you got O.B.


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