It happens every year. Mid June hits and I tell everyone I know (it's the external thinker in me) that I just cannot wait until summer. Oh yea, it's just sooooooo nice to have a random schedule, work some days, some routine, time for the beach....
Ya wanna know what I tell everyone around mid August? That I can't wait until Fall when I can get back into some sort of freakin routine!!! Routine paychecks have something to do with it as well I think. Yea, I'm pretty sure actually.
I pride myself on being a spontaneous, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, free spirited kinda gal... until I forget to pay a bill, kick myself for not nailing down 1 full-time job (instead of 3 part-timers) and curse my "free" spirit for ending up being not so free! Turns out, all those Type A's (that seem to deserve pony-pulls most of the time due to their freakish desire for control) actually have something's called a budget, job that provides health insurance, and at the end of the day, or summer in this situation, a heck of a lot less stress...other than worrying about which girlfriend didn't pitch in the extra dollar tip at last night's dinner.
It's an internal (and epic) battle I face daily. Everything in me wants to hop on my rusty beach cruiser and ride away to the land of OB where I'll beach my day away, leaving the bills to pile, the unsecured job to "fall into place" (a saying that we use often, when things are easier left up to the universe than taken care of on our own) and leave all that inconvenient mumbo jumbo til tomorrow. Then I remember that the last time I left it until "tomorrow" a $40 parking ticket turned into a $90 one and that putting things off is often not the best way to go. Darn that logical part of my brain! How am I supposed to get any relaxing done with all that thinking going on up there?
So here I am, after a Sunday night of serving, wishing it were Fall...where I would have had the day off, oh and the day before that as well. I would be enjoying routine...until about December when Christmas break comes around and gives me just a little taste of what sleeping in on a Wednesday morning feels like...and I'm back to lusting after randomness.
The grass is always greener on the other side. But you know what they (whoever they are) don't tell you?
It's just as hard to mow!