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It's one of those weeks where...I'm not even sure how to finish this sentence.
I suppose I could sum it up by saying I just want to take a nap. That, however would only be possible if I could sleep! Generally there is one thing I can always do and that is to sleep. There is seriously something wrong if slumber is out of my repertoire.
It's the first week back from my "Winter Break." Most of us call it "Christmas Break" but I'm learning to get better at speaking to the masses, meaning 60 students that may or may not actually celebrate Christmas (although I'm guessing most do since this teacher, right now if you could see me I'd be pointing my two thumbs toward myself and smiling in a creepy way, made out like a bandit on gifts from 6th graders. Uh thank you.) I'm probably not allowed to complain after a two-week break, which is why I'm not complaining, but merely narrating how my week has unfolded.
The body is doing some awesome things. Migraines. Cramps. Exhaustion. Oh and did I mention cramps? What am I...a 13 year old girl? Honestly.
Although the post hasn't made its debut yet, (it's in the works and currently living in my journal) at some point you will hear about my very crappy New Years Day-pun intended. For now, I'll leave the details out and simply tell you that there was some plumbing issues in my classy OB apartment complex. And when I say issues, I mean that the plumbing system did the opposite of what it should, assuming we all agree that your neighbor's fecal matter should go down into sewage/pipe land and not up and out of the toilet and bathtub in your home. Yeeeaaaa. So, being the aggressive-when-I-want-something-done gal that I am, I found myself harassing my landlord (who I'm convinced is more of a drug lord than a lord of land) until she sent over a professional cleaner to finish up the job I'd already begun. With an unexplainable enthusiasm for sanitation, I agreed to leave work early so that we could accommodate the 3:30 appointment that drug lord/landlord had established. Around 6:30 (that's 3 hours later for those of you that are tired like I am) Guadalupe showed up. Being 5-10 minutes late to everything (not anyone in particular) is fashionable, but three hours? Throw me a fricken bone here!
Re-doing things I've already done, done well in fact, at work has been really fun this week. I like to smile and say things like, "Adapting! It's the name of the game when you work with kids! ha ha" This way people still think I'm easy-going and fun-loving. This week I am neither two word hyphenate.
Migraines suck. Cramps suck. The lack of the toilet sucking down what it should, sucks too. But what sucks most of all this week... (want me to say sucks one more time?)
Is feeling like a needy chick!
You might think that a single gal wouldn't have the opportunity to feel this way. Touche. One can feel needy at work, at home, and most dangerously in that crazy place above her neck! Man, that has to be the worst! I'm gonna need this week to finish up pretty soon. Let's put that mop, heating pad, Excedrin, sour look on my face and needy 'tude AWAY. Fo' real.

On a more positive note (one that doesn't SUCK) I am pleased to say that for a short amount of time, lying in bed and doing some yoga breathing really helped ease the gnar-insanity. It goes something like this:

(one hand on your heart and the other on your belly button)

Exhale: God take all my craziness away!

Exhale: God make me comfortable showering in there.

Exhale: God stop me from being such a woman!

Exhale: God bring Friday here quicker! (that one is almost as bad as praying for a parking spot. Oops)

One more day.


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