In the mere two weeks I've been on the job (the job with benies and a fabulous office space, that is) I've realized a few things. I'll keep all of the details confined to my "Reflective, get to know myself deeper" journal and simply say this...
I'm KINDA awkward
While I pride myself on having polished social skills (humor me) I have found that in a work setting, like a real work setting, I sorta struggle.
I can yuck it up all day with my fellow "assistant" level coworkers, but in conversation with the Steinbrenners of this place...this employee becomes awkwaaaaaaaaaard. It's as if I had sergeant-like parenting as a kid, leaving me intimidated by authority. So not the case. I mean, did YOU get to watch Melrose Place and Thirty Something at the age of nine? I think not.
Anyway, I become nervous that I'll say something inappropriate or idiotic (not that it's completely out of the realm of possibility) to my boss or others that share her professional standing.
In my awkwardness, for some reason beyond me, I continue to reference Larry David's hit (and what a hit it was) Seinfeld. It's like Dustin Hoffman's obsession with underwear from Kmart in Rain Man. Only my Kmart is a late 80's sitcom based on the life of a comedic Jew from New York. Not only do I verbally reference episodes of Seinfeld as if it's the norm that everyone else watches them over and over again on KTLA, but I also tap into these genius scenarios in the silence of my own head. Like right now as I write this blog (on "The Man's" time...and dime), I think about when George brags to Jerry about doing nothing at work all day, appearing busy only by acting pissed off. This behavior results in responses like, "You've been working too hard Costanza. You need some vacation time!" In my past job force years, non-office bound, I used to chalk this up to George's typical underachieving (since I'm totally besties with all the characters I know these quirks obvy). Today however, I might see the endless possibilities of getting away with personal tasks on company time. hmmm.
Alright, off to more productive filling out my absentee ballot and paying my gas bill online.