As I've mentioned recently, I've been doing a little "labeling" around Blonde Story Short. The funnest part about it (funnest not being a real word) is being reminded of what life was like up to six years ago and seeing the patterns throughout my stories. One label that I couldn't help but create was titled "WHY?" The WHY? posts typically centered around something ridiculous...spilling coffee directly onto the boobs on my way to tutor junior high boys, falling in the middle of a "dance circle" (while doing the "shopping cart"), things of that nature...feel free to check out the 12ish posts labeled WHY? I have no idea how you do that, but I'm sure Blog spot has a tool for it. Today, as I prepped my 10am morning snack, I like structure okay?, I asked myself this very broad question. I cut up a half banana and already sliced apples (into now cubed apples) and wondered WHY eating these two half fruits together on a plate with ...
Tales that are just long enough.