I'm really torn about where to go on this one.
I DIDN'T MAKE HEART SHAPED pancakes either Valentine's post?
HAPPY, CRAFTY Valentine's post?
Let's just see where we end up.
There is so much one could do to celebrate Valentine's Day, every other holiday, milestones, friendships, pretty much anything... One word sufficiently explains exactly what I'm talking about- Pinterest.
I dare you to go on Pinterest, especially around a holiday, and not end up feeling like a total shmuck when you eventually "X" out of the page. I'm sort of kidding, but not really. I usually start off totally pumped and pretending that I have time to go to "Michael's" for project materials. Is that where people go for project materials? I honestly have NO idea.
Please don't misunderstand my opinion of Pinterest. I literally go on every other day and love it. I use it mostly for inspiration since I likely won't do exactly what it says, for example if I don't already have twine at home, a twine substitution will be made. I'm SO down with Pinterest, but, like anything, perspective is key...and not feeling too shmucky is also imperative.
I've been carrying around a mason jar, pink ribbon and scraps of old cards for about a week now (these things don't hang out in my purse or anything, I have a Hawaiian Trader Joes bag for them). My current To-Do's include a Valentine's Day care package for College kid, a sweet gift for High School kid, and something small yet creative for work friends. Luckily husband isn't a real craft enthusiast so not a lot of pressure there. Of course I had hopes of doing something ultra cute with my re-gifted mason jar *When I received it, it had every ingredient needed for a vat of vegetarian chilli, obviously. The millions of creative minds on Pinterest tell me that a mason jar styled Valentines gift would be just right! All I need is some material, new ribbon (mine's not checkered or striped), some kind of paint?, and a clever printable. If I did do something with this jar, it would be as easy as filling it up with on-sale candy and tying on a reused ribbon, Ta Daaaa! I pride myself, perhaps inappropriately, on coming up with inexpensive and resourceful ideas for gifts and even cards. In the interest of keeping some perspective, I think to myself:
-College kid's package is being sent, not paying extra to ship something "fragile."
-High School kid doesn't care about what the candy comes in. Just give her the candy. Also, she doesn't like M & M's.
-I don't have material lying around and don't really want to figure out how to paint that (amazing) heart on the jar.
-There's no way I'm giving that jar to someone outside of my immediate family. That would mean there's NO chance of the jar being used again and...it's not even Christmas! A simple valentine for everyone else should be sufficient.
What college kid really wants....is exactly what I mailed her this afternoon. It was NOT Pinterest-worthy, but I know she'll love it.
For those of you that aren't preoccupied with mediocre crafts, perhaps the pressure you are feeling is related to your LOVE life instead. You're married and feeling like you have to do something elaborate and therefore expensive, you're not married/in a relationship and think if you were you would be doing something elaborate and therefore expensive, whatever the case may be, it's just another day. I've spent many a February 14th's at home, without a "valentine" and to be quite honest, I don't really remember the ones with a valentine much more. They're all sort of a big pink fog. Long story short, enjoy the day like you would any other Friday- looking forward to 5:00 and a glass of wine.
Happy Valentine's Day...and just do what you can!