Well guess who made a friend today?
You guessed it...I'm guessing.
I'm not all that concerned that this is going to be problematic since I might live in the friendliest town in America. I do put a big emphasis, probably too big, on making friends as quickly as possible- in my head. I try not to make this too obvious in social settings when these opportunities actually come up, since that could get awkward. Seriously though, friendships are very important to me. Leaving San Diego after college didn't even enter my mind since my buddies there had become like family. They made staying for another 8 years the easiest thing in the world!
Naturally those initial relationships are going to be a bit different now, here in the City of Trees. I'm not 17 and here to go to college, I'm 30 and just arrived with my husband and almost-baby... to go for the American Dream (dramatic enough?)
I have spent the majority of the last month (our total time here) staying home, mostly due to unpacking very slowly and being super pregnant. I haven't totally thrown myself out there but have future plans to use my child for some strategic friend-making. She'll be here soon enough. Just six more weeks to fold and refold all her little clothes like a crazy lady. Sometimes I just stand in her room, look around and grin for a while. What else am I supposed to do on a rainy afternoon?
I engaged phase one of this plan today with the very sneaky Hey-you're-gonna-have-a-baby-too-let's-totally-be-friends approach. She had no idea what hit her. I like to start out this sort of "nonchalant" interaction with a question, followed by some "subtle humor."
After eye contact was made I asked my appropriate question.
"How far along are you?"
She politely responded then asked me the same.
"Almost 34 weeks, just about 8 1/2 months...I like to say whichever one sounds further."
*Ladies can appreciate the concept of NOT wanting to look bigger than you actually are pregnant.
Do you see what I just did there?
Yada yada yada she suggested we exchange numbers. Done. I'm in no position to decline potential friends...I happen to know one other person in the great state of Idaho- and he has to be my friend because he married me. We happen to be best friends in fact #alrightweallgetityouloooooooveyourhusband
Then I went home and needed a nap. My telltale that it was a good day.
Or a Tuesday.
You guessed it...I'm guessing.
I'm not all that concerned that this is going to be problematic since I might live in the friendliest town in America. I do put a big emphasis, probably too big, on making friends as quickly as possible- in my head. I try not to make this too obvious in social settings when these opportunities actually come up, since that could get awkward. Seriously though, friendships are very important to me. Leaving San Diego after college didn't even enter my mind since my buddies there had become like family. They made staying for another 8 years the easiest thing in the world!
Naturally those initial relationships are going to be a bit different now, here in the City of Trees. I'm not 17 and here to go to college, I'm 30 and just arrived with my husband and almost-baby... to go for the American Dream (dramatic enough?)
I have spent the majority of the last month (our total time here) staying home, mostly due to unpacking very slowly and being super pregnant. I haven't totally thrown myself out there but have future plans to use my child for some strategic friend-making. She'll be here soon enough. Just six more weeks to fold and refold all her little clothes like a crazy lady. Sometimes I just stand in her room, look around and grin for a while. What else am I supposed to do on a rainy afternoon?
I engaged phase one of this plan today with the very sneaky Hey-you're-gonna-have-a-baby-too-let's-totally-be-friends approach. She had no idea what hit her. I like to start out this sort of "nonchalant" interaction with a question, followed by some "subtle humor."
After eye contact was made I asked my appropriate question.
"How far along are you?"
She politely responded then asked me the same.
"Almost 34 weeks, just about 8 1/2 months...I like to say whichever one sounds further."
*Ladies can appreciate the concept of NOT wanting to look bigger than you actually are pregnant.
Do you see what I just did there?
Yada yada yada she suggested we exchange numbers. Done. I'm in no position to decline potential friends...I happen to know one other person in the great state of Idaho- and he has to be my friend because he married me. We happen to be best friends in fact #alrightweallgetityouloooooooveyourhusband
Then I went home and needed a nap. My telltale that it was a good day.
Or a Tuesday.