Oh for crying out loud.
No this is not my first post-baby post- where I talk about how much babies cry, out loud. I'll try to refrain from obvious-masked-as-*epipharyngeal-blogging when the time comes.
*Yes it's 4:30 in the morning and I just looked up the adjective for "epiphany."
Nausea has interrupted my slumber and here we are. Downstairs and writing in front of the new Heat Dish, a fantastic alternative to having the fireplace going. Did you know I live in Idaho and the current temperature is 4 degrees? Of course you did.
Why on Earth (you ask) does this woman have nausea when she's been pregnant for like a year. Or maybe you don't ask...but if you are or are observing one of the gazillion other expectant ladies right now, you could be confused. I too thought I was past the vomiting and feeling like I should be vomiting phase months ago. Falso (that's Spanish for False). It turns out my clockwork pregnancy got a bit off somewhere along the line and while I still have all the normal third trimester symptoms one "might be experiencing" according to Pregnancy apps/the worldwide web, I have a little something else too...
If and when I feel into getting all MOM Blog-y on here (you thought we already crossed that bridge? Trust me we could go deeper...like way deeper), I will go into the details. Long story short, what's going on makes it highly probable that my sweet Charlotte Grace will be here before we know it...and before her expected due date...more like any date. On a serious note, I am thanking God EVERY day that she is happy and active as can be in there and my body is the one struggling in these final crucial weeks. I think when she gets on the scene she'll be like, "Chill out I was doing fine...and do me a favor- swaddle me up would ya? I'm freezing out here."
What I'm "crying out loud" about (more for effect, than literally crying) is how annoying perspective can be. Let me give you a For Example (I hate when people say that but am feeling feisty- I prefer to get out of bed around 9) One of my typical preg-issues was a constant numbness + random fire-like feeling in my left leg. Before we moved out of San Diego I had a weekly, sometimes semiweekly Chiropractic appointments and was attempting to do stretches for the issue about 1,000x/day, per that Chiropractor. See Show 'em who's Boss post Guess what I think about non-stretched leg now? What leg? I have a left leg? Maybe I'd notice the awesome sensations that leg promotes if I weren't so peeved that my entire body itches and I'm back to sleeping in 3 hour intervals. I know, I know, I should get used to it. I've heard.
Then I think about what my days were like pre-move/end of 2nd trimester...FILLED. I was working, packing, socializing, and being my general crazy self. Wanna know what I did yesterday? I ate a breakfast burrito, finished reading the dog-earred articles of my Parents magazine, then sat in bed and glued stuff onto burlap Christmas stockings. What the....?! Yea, this is my life and I have people reminding me to relax. Perspective. How can I even be mad about getting up early today? What have I got to do? After this morning's Doctor appointment... I got nothin'. I'll probably nap and then dive into the next chapter of my What to Expect: The First Year reference. Which I am LOVING by the way.
If it's not painfully obvious, I am unwisely (some would say) anxious for my baby to come. While I should be loving every minute of nothing-to-do-ness, I am actually anticipating the excitement of her delivery and getting up at 4 in the morning to see her little face (instead of to eat an untoasted bagel in my robe and whine to the world)
Still smiling.
Happy Tuesday!
No this is not my first post-baby post- where I talk about how much babies cry, out loud. I'll try to refrain from obvious-masked-as-*epipharyngeal-blogging when the time comes.
*Yes it's 4:30 in the morning and I just looked up the adjective for "epiphany."
Nausea has interrupted my slumber and here we are. Downstairs and writing in front of the new Heat Dish, a fantastic alternative to having the fireplace going. Did you know I live in Idaho and the current temperature is 4 degrees? Of course you did.
Why on Earth (you ask) does this woman have nausea when she's been pregnant for like a year. Or maybe you don't ask...but if you are or are observing one of the gazillion other expectant ladies right now, you could be confused. I too thought I was past the vomiting and feeling like I should be vomiting phase months ago. Falso (that's Spanish for False). It turns out my clockwork pregnancy got a bit off somewhere along the line and while I still have all the normal third trimester symptoms one "might be experiencing" according to Pregnancy apps/the worldwide web, I have a little something else too...
If and when I feel into getting all MOM Blog-y on here (you thought we already crossed that bridge? Trust me we could go deeper...like way deeper), I will go into the details. Long story short, what's going on makes it highly probable that my sweet Charlotte Grace will be here before we know it...and before her expected due date...more like any date. On a serious note, I am thanking God EVERY day that she is happy and active as can be in there and my body is the one struggling in these final crucial weeks. I think when she gets on the scene she'll be like, "Chill out I was doing fine...and do me a favor- swaddle me up would ya? I'm freezing out here."
What I'm "crying out loud" about (more for effect, than literally crying) is how annoying perspective can be. Let me give you a For Example (I hate when people say that but am feeling feisty- I prefer to get out of bed around 9) One of my typical preg-issues was a constant numbness + random fire-like feeling in my left leg. Before we moved out of San Diego I had a weekly, sometimes semiweekly Chiropractic appointments and was attempting to do stretches for the issue about 1,000x/day, per that Chiropractor. See Show 'em who's Boss post Guess what I think about non-stretched leg now? What leg? I have a left leg? Maybe I'd notice the awesome sensations that leg promotes if I weren't so peeved that my entire body itches and I'm back to sleeping in 3 hour intervals. I know, I know, I should get used to it. I've heard.
Then I think about what my days were like pre-move/end of 2nd trimester...FILLED. I was working, packing, socializing, and being my general crazy self. Wanna know what I did yesterday? I ate a breakfast burrito, finished reading the dog-earred articles of my Parents magazine, then sat in bed and glued stuff onto burlap Christmas stockings. What the....?! Yea, this is my life and I have people reminding me to relax. Perspective. How can I even be mad about getting up early today? What have I got to do? After this morning's Doctor appointment... I got nothin'. I'll probably nap and then dive into the next chapter of my What to Expect: The First Year reference. Which I am LOVING by the way.
If it's not painfully obvious, I am unwisely (some would say) anxious for my baby to come. While I should be loving every minute of nothing-to-do-ness, I am actually anticipating the excitement of her delivery and getting up at 4 in the morning to see her little face (instead of to eat an untoasted bagel in my robe and whine to the world)
Still smiling.
Happy Tuesday!