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Showing posts from January, 2019

The Best thing I've done as a Mother

This morning I sit in our play room (also known as our gym and office) facilitating "Recess" for Marshall. Anyone else just feel like...Why Paw Patrol Why? All the reds and yellows...taking. over. my world. I have to say it is the cutest that my 4 year old loves playing school even if it's with those pesky dogs. I'm into it. This room is revamped often to ensure functionality and keep it at its "Best self" so within the last week I made two changes/additions that I think are kinda brilliant. Side plug for "Mommy time" and the importance of sweating: Since the new year I've been committed to working out first thing in the morning, ok after coffee and QT with husband, and my energy level (and mental state)...I mean, WOW. The anxiety of fitting in a workout  later  while everyone is awake and needy is GONE. It's Fantastic.  Most pro moms figured this one out when they first had babies...hence I started this month. This late morning/early af...

Hello from 2019

Apparently my last post was in 2017.  My first post (ever) was in 2008 so...Longevity? Yes.  Consistency? Not so much. Since I started writing here, the WORLD, including my little world, has transformed in so many ways.  If you're picturing me sitting at our front door yelling "Get off my lawn!" you're not too far off from where I sit philosophically, spiritually, politically (yuk) and in all the other -ally ways. Is it weird that regardless of my refusal to conform to today's world as a "young" 30's person, I still consider myself (and my husband) super cool? I haven't lost my passion for writing, sharing and attempting to lighten the mood, but have found myself a tad intimidated or maybe even confused as to when and how to do it these for the when, I'll just say one word- KIDS.  That should explain why that's an issue.  For the HOW- I I have to be all-in  *influencer style?...not just writing (does anyone e...