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The Best thing I've done as a Mother

This morning I sit in our play room (also known as our gym and office) facilitating "Recess" for Marshall. Anyone else just feel like...Why Paw Patrol Why? All the reds and yellows...taking. over. my world. I have to say it is the cutest that my 4 year old loves playing school even if it's with those pesky dogs. I'm into it.

This room is revamped often to ensure functionality and keep it at its "Best self" so within the last week I made two changes/additions that I think are kinda brilliant. Side plug for "Mommy time" and the importance of sweating: Since the new year I've been committed to working out first thing in the morning, ok after coffee and QT with husband, and my energy level (and mental state)...I mean, WOW. The anxiety of fitting in a workout later while everyone is awake and needy is GONE. It's Fantastic.  Most pro moms figured this one out when they first had babies...hence I started this month. This late morning/early afternoon energy has led to so many projects and activities. BTW I used to work to Snoop and 2Pac when I'd embark on something like this.  That has changed.

The first addition to our multi-function room: Costume Party RACK!
I picked up a garment rack at Target for the best $20 ever spent and suddenly...

Let's just say if you don't believe in God- you should really reconsider. HOW I so randomly ended up with all girls... I mean, those kind of miracles don't just happen. Hello?
This costume rack is all the things I've ever wanted in life, crammed into a 5 X 2 foot space. Not only does it encourage playing Dress-UP, yes please (or maybe a big 'ol "yaas"?) but it also looks so pretty! Princess, Mermaid, Unicorn and don't forget female Doctor colors are just so appealing to the eye. Accessories like headwear and wings live in the bucket below, next to a classy teddy bear. Thumbs up.

Maaaaaybe the addition above was a little for my benefit. I do sleep better knowing all our sweet costumes are neatly hung and on display instead of rolled into balls in a decorative bin. However, the next piece surely was ALL about the kids.

*There's a mini trampoline not pictured...if I show you that entire corner, you'll see a baby gate guarding an Elliptical and a vacuum, and well, I don't care to show you that part of my life. This is real life folks. Just trust me, Fisher Price has its place right behind that blue ladder.
Also, why does this child hate on me with that sticking-the-tongue-out thing? Humbled, all the time.
So, There is now a slide, emerging from a trampoline, inside our house.
It's winter in Idaho.
I'm too much of a wimp most days to bundle up and hang in the yard.
So, playground equipment indoors it is. Sometimes we even pile all the pillows at the bottom and slide into them. Wild. Right now the two throw pillows behind me (one has a cactus on it, I've got my finger on the pulse obviously) are being stolen and added to the pile. Fine but a hard NO was thrown down on jumping from the arm of my chair.  I have my limits. I'm also not the coolest when it comes to forts in the living room but play room- all day long.
And now a break.  I've made a child cry with my "NO."  Danggit.

We're back and the world is right.

I'm getting a little amped up talking kid stuff and may have to write (at a later time) about my favorite toys- I mean, their favorite toys. Freudian slip.

For now, I'll just leave you with something really inspiring and maybe even JOY SPARKING... this project had nothing to do with anyone but ME. And I'm so happy about it.

For Idaho standards, our house has a small pantry. We cook a lot so keeping this space tidy is important. Like the "playroom" it gets organized and reorganized a lot. My target run also provided the shelf liner and clear bins. The paint buckets that hold flour and cat food (separately of course) - those are like family.  We've been living that practical life for a while now. You're confused...Yes, we have a cat. Stop judging. As for that cereal- we stand firm on the kids never getting a bowl that doesn't include Bran... and a scoop of "crisp rice" so they are tricked into thinking it's a "treat." If you've taken nothing from this post today, you can incorporate that into your children's lives and thank me later.

Naturally I am not up on the newest way of getting rid of junk and organizing/folding.  I don't have Netflix so I'd have to learn through a little hashtag searching but whose got the time? My 23 year old recently let me know we are the "only people she's knows that use Hulu." To which we replied...we like Hulu. Whatever.

Now I have an irresistible baby climbing on my lap so that's it for me.
Happy organizing, playing, mommy-ing.

Until next time.
God Bless.


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