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So many things.

If I had the laptop open and my kids occupied during the 2-3 hour period first thing in the morning when the coffee has kicked in...boy could I do some WRITING. On a typical day like today, this crucial and productive block of time is spent cleaning up breakfast, then getting three of us ready and out the door to head somewhere like the gym, mom's group, a playdate or preschool. The ideas (some entertaining, at least to me) fly!

Once the morning activity is over and we've rushed home for lunch and a certain two year old's nap, there's a chance Mama can sit and get some things down "on paper." Like many mothers before me, and clever memes, the struggle is real when deciding how that precious block of nap/quiet time should be spent. The options are endless, but not. I could catch up on housework and pick up toys that will be on the floor again before the day is done....or attempt something creative that feels a tad more self-care-ish/life giving...I could probably solve world hunger too. Decisions, decisions.

Today I chose to write, next to Charlotte who is watching "Beauty and the Beast" on the couch. It's nearly impossible for me to resist singing along. So...I'm writing really slowly...and singing. Little girls ask a lot of questions by the way, especially during movies Lord help me, so I pause often to say things like, "Watch and you'll find out" and "Yes." (regardless of whether or not I fully heard the question about the "Beast's flower"). Um, Belle shows way more cleavage than I remember from 1991.  HELLO.

The camping theme continues on, although the last beginning of a post I wrote on that is on a laptop that is currently out of charge (because the charger was left on the camper where the writing took place-oops).

I literally learn 1-3 Mom tricks (cool bloggers call them "hacks" I believe) daily, so there's always room for writing those golden nuggets down. Maybe....

We'll be seeing Garth Brooks this weekend in Boise and I've been working through many outfit plans, all for about 20 seconds at a time, because this is the amount of time I have to think about something so insignificant (but fun). Some are in "carts," and others on display in our bedroom because I can definitely come up with "western" looking pieces from my closet. Nude boots, woven brown belt, flowy + flowery dress? You better believe it.  I plan to be a total country girl poser. Kinda like in 7th grade when I wore my cousin’s hand-me-down Vans and wrote “Nirvana” on them. Then got in trouble because the ink rubbed off onto our carpet when I sat indian style watching TV. What a wannabe. Danggit.  I absolutely have plans to throw in some extensions. Wow, I'm embarrassed. It seems less trashy if I announce I’m doing it first, right? Cool. The girls and I hit up Sally's Beauty Supply last week (gel manicure kit please!) and they sort of saw me comin.' Ridiculously long (fake) braid under my baseball cap for a workout or mommin' adventure? Makes total sense to me.

Sidenote- This scene is the best and we just cracked up. Beast says he looks "stupid" and it's been noted that this is a word we don't use. 

I have a pretty great pork chop with mushrooms recipe for tonight. I won't go into that because I don't have a mouthwatering pro picture (of anything, including this meal) and surely you don't care about how my family gets their protein met for the last meal of the day.

I'm on a major *Rachel Hollis kick and have gathered way more than a handful of fantastic lessons. Jot down a few? OK why not, seems easy enough.
*Rachel is the author of Girl, Wash your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing and "Rise" podcast. Surely you know all this because you're more in touch with the world than I could ever dream of being- which is totally fine with me.  I like my rock that I live under; just me, some babies, a handsome man and smug cat.
1. Focus on one goal at a time. 
I can't eat ONLY Whole 30, create and integrate a new schedule for the girls that's educational and fun, re-do the downstairs bathroom, and burn out the quads all in one day. Weird.
2. Most of the time, when it comes to what other people think about me, and I quote "Don't worry about it." (Fantastic flow chart included in the book, if you're into that sorta thing)
3. I can pursue something and still be a good MOM/WIFE/DAUGHTER/SISTER/FRIEND. Imagine it.
4. I can do something that's "already been done." Like an amateur blog.

So many things.

Movie almost over.
Baby waking up.
Phone ringing.

Up Next: Change a diaper, give a snack, jump on a trampoline (we call it "a tramp" here in ID), squeeze 2 small/1 average sized people and a slide into a baby pool, prep those chops, clean up, feed the people, kiss the husband, restore a boat...oh did I not mention that project? We have a lot of time on our hands so why not? Not at all in fact. We just really love being on boats and working together, okay I'll quit it now.

Gotta go
Happy Thursday


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