Sometimes you just have to grab the bull by the horns. I'm not sure why that saying means what it means but if you don't know what it means, think "Bite the bullet", "Grab life by the balls..." (okay that one's a little vulgar, not sure who came up with it, but you get the picture)
So I'm an extremely (almost to a fault) neat person. Not neat as in "wow that's neato!" But neat as in my bed is always made, my blow dryer is put away daily (OK weekly, I don't wash my hair that often) and my laundry is either washed, folded and in its proper drawer or in a laundry basket strategically placed in a spot you can't see. After a busy weekend, I told my roommate that my room had just gotten "disastrous." I think that I tell people things like this every once in a while to prevent them from thinking I'm crazy. "Oh yea, my room is soooo messy...I'm like totally normal and don't have things clean all the time." Anyone who knows me well will tell you that means there's a t-shirt on my bed and the closet door isn't shut all the way...wild huh? I admitted that sometimes I like things a little bit out of place because it can be LIBERATING! I followed that statement with, "Like sometimes...I'll even leave a magazine out on the couch in the living room, ya know instead of putting it in the wicker magazine basket next to the TV!" My witty roomie responded..."Wow, you really know how to grab the bull by the horns!" Touche Court, touche.
I started to think about where I'm at in life and how I really do need to grab 'dem horns, bite that bullet, and grab other things...! I feel like I'm just waiting for things to happen. I'm applying to jobs but waiting for them to hire me, I'm working on my own issues but waiting for others around me to change, I'm wanting my life to be full of certain activities and waiting 'til I have the structured schedule, money and time to enjoy those things.
No more waiting, it's time to do some grabbin.
The first step was already made last week...made a decision that would be a drastic change...
I got my hair chopped off! Bold move huh? See two blogs down for more deets ;) Okay but seriously, more horn grabbing and making of life decisions to come!