Every website I venture to, like myspace, facebook, and even blogspot, I see UPDATES everywhere. Apparently "updates" are all the rage. Well, here's my update ;)
I've been applying for jobs like no body's biness! Here have been the results: People clearly refuse to call back, ignore their email (or me, let's go with the first for my pride's sake) or they're not hiring right now. Apparently even Nordstorm isn't hiring right now. Nordstrom, you're always hiring! I know this because 90% of my girlfriends have worked there, most of them more than once! Anyway, I have to just keep holding onto the whole "That must not be what God wants for you" and "God has a plan" thing that Christians always say. Yea...okay. I guess that's probably true.
So this week in the midst of mad influenza I got the "You're great but we don't need you...but we'll keep you on file" letter from Nordstrom, where I'd last resort applied two weeks prior. There's the silver lining, in a month when I've already found a job, they'll need someone, I'll have been kept "on file" and they'll call me for an interview. Glad to be kept on file. Fabulous. Also not helpful at all.
Since I haven't evolved from a desktop to a laptop yet, looking online actually takes some effort, I can't exactly sit on the cozy couch or in bed and surf the web like most. So I dragged my sick and very hot (as in 102 temperature fever hot) bod to my computer two nights ago. I resorted to Craigslist (Hey, I found a good couch there, that could be productive) and PLNU's always faithful job board for students, or in this case alumni. I applied to two MORE jobs. One for a local high school to work with 9th graders (more money and hours than my current job) and the other to nanny for a 4 year old (easy money and more convenient hours than my current job). Don't forget right now I'm serving...and bar tending. It feels like some sort of twisted alter-ego...Miss Morgan, helping the lives of children by day, then there's the blonde pouring 'dem hard drinks by night! I'm so ready to move on. No more night jobs! I'm getting too old for this :(
So...the UPDATE is that although I don't even expect responses anymore, I received an email from the High School and a call from the nanny job (from the Dad, not the 4 year old) Yay for on-the-ball employers!
ONWARD with the interview process!
Stay tuned...