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You know what's fun...?

Making decisions.

Actually it's not fun at all. I've been in the process (and when I say process I mean long, DELAYED progression) of making a lot of those lately. The ones that I struggle with the most include dis-pleasing people. Normally I like to please people. However, you come to a point where you realize that it's no longer working for you, okay it's no longer working for ME. When it does work and it is pleasing to others as well as yourself, fantastic. But when it doesn't, another decision needs to be made...what can I do to make this work for me (and hopefully everyone...see my pleasing tendencies)

I have made arrangements to see absolutely everyone this Thanksgiving, and I mean EVERYONE! Friends, family including mom's side and dad's side (joys of non-nuclear-ness), and even the nice folks at Southwest Airlines will be graced with my presence during this time of giving thanks.

Thus far I'm driving to the OC Wednesday, getting someone's car (not sure which lucky one yet) to be dropped off in Brea at my cousin on my mom's side's house, to then drive to meet at Grandma's house in Pomona. Leaving from Gma's to go to Las Vegas for the Thanksgiving weekend with Mama's side. After turkey, cocktails etc I'll be leaving Sin City on Monday morning to fly to Tahoe...Dad's side's turn! The original plan was for me to stay the remainder of the trip with them, then hop in the Suburban and road trip it home with the famn damily on Saturday, 8 glorious hours. Who knows some good car games?!!!

So what I figured out, about 20 minutes ago, was that this plan doesn't actually work for me. Everyone else is happy, but somehow I'm uncomfortable with these accommodations. I REALLY need to work next week and since I'm waitress-tastic these days, that means Thursday through Monday nights I'm serving Cape cods and Burgers. If I could somehow get home (to my San Diego sanctuary) by Thursday (instead of the following Saturday night) I could work my normal days AND bypass a loooooooong car ride. Hello?!

So...I bought a ticket to fly home on Thursday. Simple enough. I used my own money, and own brain to come up with that. What a concept. See everyone and yet still do what works for me.

Love it. Now I just get to tell the shocked fam about my latest "adjustment" to our vacation agenda ;)

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


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