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Showing posts from February, 2009

Am I crazy or what?

I realized (more like remembered) this morning that I am a bit crazy-just a little bit. I have all these trivial "rules" set for myself as I get ready for the day, all enforced in a matter of 20 minutes. The funny thing is...I don't generally follow rules! I don't run red lights or anything, but just look at what I'm doing right now for instance! I'm at work and writing on my blog. Hello?! Clearly I'm not an average least not other people's rules I guess. By the time I got ready and out the door this morning I had followed more than a sane (using that term loosely) amount of rules. 1. Only hit snooze once...twice is so not allowed. 2. Don't wear silver jewelry if there is gold anywhere on your shoes...even if it's just a buckle that is semi-covered by your pants. 3. Don't leave blow dryer or any other hair appliance plugged in. On the sink, no problem, on the sink and plugged in, not okay. 4. Put the hangers ...

A better Monday than the last

Last Monday at this time I was feeling like death...and lookin' like it too! This Monday begins a new week and a new and hopefully improved blonde. I started the day off with 45 minutes of cardio and some squats. My fantastic roomate (who has no morning commitments but still wants to get up at 6:30am to be my work-out buddy) and I have commited to getting our Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays started just like this morning, with an energetic workout. We'll change it up...doing things like swimming, walking, running and maybe taking a class at the gym. I figure not only will this help me feel good in my oh so silky bridesmaid dresses, but it might even put me in a better mood before work, making me like junior highers a little more perhaps? Oh did I mention my free weights had dust bunnies all over them? (there's my confession for the day!) This week I return to bartending on Monday nights. There's nothing I hate more than feeling enslaved to my frenemies Sallie ...

Back to work today

So I'm finally back to work for my one-day work week...after this week's madness (read the story about Garrot). I am dazed and confused today, still on hard-core antibiotics and Wal-fed. Wal-fed is Sudafed made by Walgreens...aka cheaper drugs. I'm looking a bit haggard but am perfectly okay with it. One of the students today said, "Hey...why is your hair..." I attempted to finish his question. "...disheveled? struggling? man-handled?" He was having trouble finding the word he was looking for. "I'm sick" I tried to explain. A lightbulb went on for little Johnathon. "Oh. That's why your hair looks like that?" yep.

Garrot the Carrot gave me MONO!

I'll be honest with you, my faithful readers, it's possible all of what I'm about to write may be cloudy and un-understandable, being that I am hopped up (or down rather) on Decongestants and Antihistamines. I'm going to attempt articulacy...side note: is it possible drugs make my spelling better? That and losing 3 lbs in the last 3 days might make this all worth while. I felt a little sick 2 weeks ago and have been one of those snotty yet functional kids ever since. Although I survived my Friday night date without sneezing or coughing all over the fellow, Saturday afternoon I started to feel GNARLY. Throat scratchy, ears achy, head congested and overall dissatisfaction led me to a hot shower. Once out of the shower, carefully so not to fall into the wall heater, I realized I had a rash...all over my body! This is where I start to weep a little. Who has a rash like this? This cannot be right. And might I add, going without health insurance seems like a fantastic idea ...

All this "rain" gave me a rash!

So I have a few modows in life-not to be confused with cliches, I'm so against cliches. One of the many modows (some of which can also be considered blanket statements) is "When it pours!" I often use this one in reference to my love life. Although it can seem like a drawn out drought, when it comes to dating...when it rains it pours! So this week, I played the role of a pursuee . (Note: I use the word " pursue " and it's noun forms loosely and mostly because the word "prospect" sounds a little demeaning.) Not only 1,2, or 3, but FOUR pursuers were involved in this version of Sara Hates Dating. I hate dating for many reasons which include but are not limited to words like awkward, uncomfortable and Is anybody else watching this?! These feelings of mine will be described in detail in a later blog entry I'm sure. It started out with Pursuer #1 ( P1 ). P1 has been lethargically "pursuing" since July. He writes me...

Education Inspiration by Garabito

"Once upon a time their was a girl who was from Mexico which she talked Spanish. She moved to San Diego to go to school. When she went to the school the students talked english. When she knew that everyone talked english she felt lonely because no one understood what she said. She said in Spanish that she needs help with her homework, "Necesito ayuda con la tarea." When she told that to them they got confused and didn't understand what she said. After she was trying to find someone that speaks her language. She couldn't find anyone that talks her launguage in her class. When the teacher saw the girl that speaks spanish the teacher went to go talk to the principal. When the teacher talked to the principal the teacher told the principal that she has a student in her class that speaks spanish. The principal got the student that speaks spanish and the principal was trying to find her a teacher that can teach her english. The teacher was looking all over for a spanis...

Don't judge me...although you probably should

I left work today to walk to Starbucks. The first offense being that I probably shouldn't leave work for coffee, although everyone else does. Trust me, a break was in order (as you can imagine based on the previous vent from earlier today). I've realized this week that I have an odd LOVE for pre-algebra. Like really odd. I like it a lot. I committed to two dates this week...with two different males...on different nights, at least I'm a strategic planner! I once gave a hobo my number. See several blogs below. When I see albums on Facebook entitled "We're Engaged!" I do a standard eye roll and X out of the page instantly. I make fun of various accents in my head upon hearing them. Last but not least...I play on the internet (ie update blog, the face, the space, email) while simultaneously tutoring students. Don't judge me...although you probably should.

Cold crab

Today I have a cold. I have a cold and I'm crabby. Basically I'm a cold crab. The kids aren't making it any better, unfortunately I'm wearing an itchy sweater, at least the weather isn't wetter, I hope you like my little letter. that's it for now.

Routine check up

Why is Routine so hard? Maybe it isn't so hard for everyone, I know some that thrive on why is it so hard for me? I can't even wear a watch without feeling trapped! I finally have a job that has me in a routine. I get up at 7:15 (7:30 realistically), eat a quick bowl of cereal (with flax seed on top if I'm really on the ball that morning), stare into space for a few minutes as I resent leaving my memory foam mattress. Brush teeth, wash face, contacts in (yay for being able to see), make-up on, do something with hair, scan closet for professional clothes (always a struggle not to throw on standard hoodie and holey jeans), ...and out the door for work at 8:00am. Thank God I work 3 minutes away, otherwise we would all be in trouble...and when I say we , I mean me . I stayed home from work last Wednesday since I was starting to feel the relentless I-work-with-dirty-kids-cold. I love, love, looooooved staying home on the couch, sleeping, and spending time with my b...

My Abuelita Bonita

This was a prompt that my kids were required to write about a motherly figure. They are reading The Joy Luck Club and exploring relationships with females. I responded to the prompt as well so that I could give an example...and of course because I love to write! Of the many, many INCREDIBLE women in my life, I chose to write about my Grandma.  Enjoy... The motherly person in my life that I chose to write about is my grandmother. Her full name is Mary Margaret Eva Lucille Morgan but she goes by Lou. Most people call her "Grandma Morgan" because whether you're her grandchild or not, she treats you as if you were. Abuelita Bonita (my special name for her: translation Beautiful Little Grandma) is 83 years old. She has raised or been a significant part in raising every person in our family. For me specifically, she was a key peice of childhood. She is the grandmother of 19 and the great grandmother of 27 children. Since the love of her life (that would be me!) i...

Tangeant Tuesday

I went to Denny's this morning for a FREE grand slam. Awesome way to start off my Tuesday. Still made it to work by 8..ish. I took some of my kids into a conference room today to work on some math problems in a small group. Nick, an interesting character, sat at the head of the table and said, "I am in charge of this meeting and today we will talk about....CHEESE!" I'm still laughing. My mom is coming down this weekend and we just planned our tentative agenda: lunch, pedi's, movies, and Wine Bar! So stoked. Today as we read a science article in class I'm reminded of Billy Madison (Adam Sandler's character) over and over again: 1. We're learning about Chlorophyll...I am tempted beyond belief to yell out "Chlorophyll? More like BOREophyll!" 2. One of my kids has a super rough speech imped. Poor guy! When I listen to him read I can't help but think "Ta, ta, today Junior!" Thank God the sweet Norwegian kid helps...

Grace Face part duex.

I had a thought this morning in my mad rush to get ready for work. FYI, I normally roll outta bed at the last possible second, leaving just enough time to look semi-presentable. I had an idea of what I would wear today since the weather finally permits warm dresses! So, I slipped on my paisley frock and was very intentional about the 3/4 sleve brown cardi I wanted from way in the back of my shark's teeth closet (rows that go deep, but are only about 2 feet wide in total, extremely inconvenient). I knew exactly what I wanted, this particular sweater almost always gets paired with this particular dress, I'm a creature of habit (admittingly not always good habits). As I reached back into the back row of the shark's mouth, I initially grabbed a purple not the appropriate brown cardi I had my heart set on. I quickly put it back without hesitation and grabbed for the sweater I really wanted. Generally I'd mull over the purple one and play with the idea...