I realized (more like remembered) this morning that I am a bit crazy-just a little bit. I have all these trivial "rules" set for myself as I get ready for the day, all enforced in a matter of 20 minutes. The funny thing is...I don't generally follow rules! I don't run red lights or anything, but just look at what I'm doing right now for instance! I'm at work and writing on my blog. Hello?! Clearly I'm not an average rule-follower...at least not other people's rules I guess. By the time I got ready and out the door this morning I had followed more than a sane (using that term loosely) amount of rules. 1. Only hit snooze once...twice is so not allowed. 2. Don't wear silver jewelry if there is gold anywhere on your shoes...even if it's just a buckle that is semi-covered by your pants. 3. Don't leave blow dryer or any other hair appliance plugged in. On the sink, no problem, on the sink and plugged in, not okay. 4. Put the hangers ...
Tales that are just long enough.