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1 hour, 28 minutes and 17 seconds

Getting my computer onto the Internet only took one hour, twenty-eight minutes, and seventeen seconds. Gotta love Jackie at Linksys. Lucky her, getting the graveyard shift at the 24 hour tech support desk, especially when I call! She was so helpful. I'm thinking the questions and way in which I asked them had the potential to get a bit annoying.
"So can I take the thing outta the thing now?"

"Do you want me to click OKAY after I do that?" (YES. Click OKAY every time Sara)
Linksys Jackie told me to delete all other wireless networks from my roommate's laptop (just the word network sounds like I have a faint idea what I'm talking about. I don't) There were like 20 of them. I whispered to the roomie, "You're a wireless whore!" Luckily she gets me. 
Since we rearranged our living room 2 months ago, I had yet to get my ancient beast of a desktop back on the world wide web. Let's hope that all the posts in that time weren't seen by kids at work...especially the ones including baseball analogies and rashes. Now at least I can write in the comfort of my own home...on my wooden fold out chair in the corner, perfect distance from the TV ;) Not to mention I can do important things like upload pictures onto Facebook (preferably ones that are flattering and make my life appear full of fun events and fabulous friends).

Purchasing the necessary parts for this project was fun too, like the adapter that for $39 can go sorta fast or for $59 can go REALLY fast! I started sweating at the overwhelming sight of electronics. (Again, I just can't help but feel like my IQ went up 10 points saying another techie word like adapter). Anyway, after swiping my Visa for almost $50, I threw out a friendly "Well I guess rearranging my living room cost me more than a sore back."  Radio Shack guy not amused in the slightest. Apparently computer people just don't get me.


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