On most days the first thing I do upon pulling myself outta bed, an inevitable daily struggle, is put on my iHome. Since I usually can't even figure out what day of the week it is when initially awoken, I definitely never remember what my iPod, located in the iHome of course (Look at me I'm a techy!), was last playing. Hence, I'm left at a loss as to what it will continue to go on playing now.
Today, once at the bathroom sink brushing away the morning breath, I realized it was on an album by Bon Iver, one of my crazes of '08. This tells me two things (which is probably plenty to handle this early in the morning): 1. The last time I had the pod playing I must have been feeling a combo of down and/or mellow. Bon is definitely for when I'm in a certain place emotionally...leave it to a girl to associate her simple morning ritual with feelings! 2. I can expect that this album will continue playing as my getting ready routine goes on...put in contacts, Bon Iver in the background, change shirt 3X, Iver will still be on! I not only can expect the artist I'll be hearing, but even the song to anticipate next. No surprises. Since the album is on my very own iPod, obviously it's one I know I'll enjoy.
Not all mornings are this predictable, there are those days when I hit the iHome's "ON" button and its set to "shuffle songs." Given the fact that if you are reading this you know at least a little bit about technology (being able to navigate the world wide web and all) I'll assume you are familiar with the "shuffle" feature. Important note: If you don't know, find out soon, it'll change your world. My shuffle is definitely NOT predictable. It can go anywhere from Miles Davis and Michael Buble to Bob Marley and Fergie Ferg. There are moments when I interfere with the shuffle and skip something, heading toward the next random selection. Then there are the times where a song comes on and because it's an unexpected one I love, I'm even more excited to hear it! Maybe I forgot I had it or maybe it was just perfect for the current state of mind (there I go again, with the emotions! Note: I do not apologize. It's how we're wired!)
Now guess where my washer machine mind is going with this...that's right, a connection to life! I've realized recently that when my life is too structured (relative of course) I find myself itching to do something out off the ordinary, STAT! Sometimes these "out of the ordinaries" aren't the greatest of plans for me. But I can't help but think, "Yea, I like Bon Iver, but I need a little curve ball sometimes. Do I want to hear a whole album of hip hop, most likely not, but thrown in between some good "shuffled" mellow jams, it can be a pretty good time!
Here's what iThink...There's got to be a balance somewhere, between structure and disheveled (or dis-shuffled?) where although I may skip through a song or two, I'm content hearing everything on my iPod. Staying away from extreme structure (an entire album, going going gone, until I freak out!) and allowing myself to enjoy a nice, balanced amount of the shuffle...without being addicted to the chaos of it all. Does this mean micro-managing the iHome and not letting it do it's thing? Definitely not. How boring would it be to chose every individual song I hear...