Being that my birthday usually falls on Labor day weekend I tend to do that. I started out Saturday with a typical San Diegan social event...beach followed by bar. Now that I'm OLD, I didn't get drunk and hung-over the next morning, instead I was what one might call balanced and had two margaritas (that were of course purchased for me, gotta love birthdays), an ice cream cone, and a good night's sleep. Holla. Sunday was the fam party which consisted of close friends, fam and OC-tastic BBQin.
Since today is a Monday, and NOT Labor Day, it happens to be the first day of school. That may have been a bummer to some but to me all I can say is THANK GOD! A little structure never hurt anybody! Especially a yellow, ESFP, ADHD, Virgo! You'll have to excuse the overload on references...Color Code, Meyers Briggs Personality Test and of course the ever-so-sinful astrological sign! My point is...being who I am, I can only go a summer's length of time without the order and predictability of a Monday through Friday job. As glorious as you may think serving, bar tending and nannying (or in my case, being a house cleaner) may be, working at a school where we all arrive and leave at reasonable hours, and by reasonable I mean it's still light out, is ever so seductive come mid August!
With the big 2-5 comin up, plans thrown around with the friends and family, lately I couldn't help but reflect. Weird. Thinking? I never do that. I've been thinking about what this past year has been about and what the next should be about...not by anyone else's standards, but by my own. After a day of building laptop desks and "interviewing" junior highers...uh and some happy hour post 3:30 with fellow teachers...I had a lovely dinner with some gal pals at one of my favorite Italian restaurants. Aside from the food selection, a particular pinot grigio, and fun-to-look-at bartender, it happens to be in walking distance from my house! Don't judge me, it's my birthday. Now that the three of us have hit 25, what seems like it should be a big one, I decided we should go around and say words that describe what we hope will describe this next year. After some mockery, as I'm always the one that makes everyone at the table take a turn at talking for one reason or another, the ladies got into it.
Some words like intentional, fun, confidence were mentioned, along with restraint which was followed by the comment "That should be one of Sara's!" I laughed then yelled RUDE! In all seriousness, even with some grigio down the hatch, it's nice to think about what has occurred and what is to come. This past year was one that can be defined by nothing short of GROWTH...and I don't mean I passed up 5'3". Honestly it would have been impossible to have been challenged even an inch more throughout my 24th year...on quite a few levels. Let's hope that 25 is one that takes the learning from all that....stuff, for lack of a better word, and puts it to some good use.
Here's to a Quarter Century folks!