Here in Man Diego there are a lot guessed it, MEN! I've encountered a few. Although I've made some strides in my effort to leave behind "Blanket Statements" (which ironically can be shortened to B.S.) I still hold onto some of the reasonable ones.
We've talked before, well I've written and you've read rather, about dating and the inevitable game of text messaging. Thanks to At&T's unlimited plan I haven't gone completely broke yet. Texting is by far the #1 men's choice for communicating. Those fellas just love it. It's less effort than a call and seemingly more friendly than an email. My point is texting is where it's at. You better believe that if you're in your mid 20's anywhere remotely in the vicinity you will be utilizing this technological beast.
I went on a date about 2 weeks ago with a "Nice" guy. Note: "Blog guy" existed somewhere in the middle of nice guy's stint. Remember my other blanket statement? When it rains....
Anyway, He went to the Naval Academy (what an upstanding citizen!) and is originally an East coaster. East coast means the San Diegan mentality of There's a good swell today so you don't exist is a non-issue. I have this very, very special place in my heart for surfer dudes, I really do..
Naval guy and I surprisingly hit it off and he followed up the next day, day after that and the day after that. The 3rd day was an email which reiterated how much fun he had, along with the phrases "phenomenal personality," "exceeded expectations," and "I'd like to see you again. "Wow. And I was on day 3 of dirty hair. Nice. I ignored the rule that includes something about a personality compliment being code for him thinkinh you're unattractive because...well, I wanted to!
Since he's a "nice" guy there are certain protocol that are necessary and include an appropriate amount of reassurance. I believe the not-so-nice guys don't need this, they reassure themselves plenty. I enjoyed the date as well, so why not respond with some similar positive feedback? So I did.
Blah blah blah it's now been two weeks and what do we have....a Mr. McTEXTerson.
This "Nice" guy is also a "Text" guy! Since my current career is that of a server, (some hard-core say "I don't give food, I give service"...Yea, I just give food) I can be found wearing a sweet black apron which perfectly hides a "vibrated mode" cell phone. So, even at work, I get many a "Hello Beautiful" and when he's feeling bold "Can I see you again?" texts, but never a PLAN.
I mean, I'm willing to help him out here, I'll do the textful banter and flirt in between taking orders, but I'm not about to pursue myself! When I "jokingly" say (or TEXT rather) "you better book me cuz I'm a pretty busy, and popular, gal!" I'm not trying to be coy, I'm giving it to ya straight! Only so many days in a week my friend, and in an effort to use an analogy that hits close to home...This ship is about to set sail! I mean, honestly I'm losing interest by the milo-second. If there's not a 2nd outing soon (and one that includes some wine and food) I'm going to have to pull up the anchor on this one!
from my observations of guys like this, it doesnt work.
and you are right, he texts 'cause it is easy. and is that what you want? what's always easy......
no, im not calling you easy.