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Wonder Woman is that you?

As Halloween comes near I am reminded of Old Hallows' Eves past. Last year (hold for cliche) I was a pirate. Judge me if you must. It was a group effort and since I was still broke from Euro trip '08 it was one of the only costume ideas I could afford. Gotta love second hand stores that carry pleather, jagged edged skirts and $2 eye patches (new, not used. Hygeine doesn't always come first but as a means of avoiding pink eye, should). I believe Halloween ensembles always create a dilemma for young gals. "Let's see, 2 tanks of gas in my car or sleezy costume from one of those stores that is an empty warehouse year 'round until the month of October?" Decisions decisions!

The year before last, apparently funds were of plenty as I did in fact purchase one of those sleazy warehouse costumes. The worst of it being that I have an entire Rubbermaid of costumes. So, I dressed up as a cheerleader. Insert cringe here. What the spirit of rebellion against a crazy principal and the church ladies she works with will make a level headed gal do!

I went out with a group of ladies (who enjoyed a similarly reckless fall of 2007) to an uppity downtown club. The thought of it now makes me desperately want a nap. Toward the evening's close, with a 7am staff devotional awaiting this cheerleader, someone knew someone who knew the owner of the fine establishment. Before I knew it we were approaching the pent house sweet of the swanky hotel/club. My initial thought consisted of 4 words, "OUT OF MY LEAGUE!" Okay and one other thought, "We're definitely not at the Naz anymore!" Seriously, what was I doing there? It was almost comical. The very open, open bar was manned by pretty much not dressed women. Nothing creeps me more out than a VRB (Vodka Red Bull, party girl slang) being served to me by someone without a blouse on! And I don't even like vodka...or Red Bull.

Two of us made a mad dash to the bathroom, me and a pirate friend (never goes out of style), mostly to dish about the insane environment we were currently in. The penthouse sweet lacked a 1/2 bathroom in the living room. How does an architect include stripper poles, but forget the simplicity of a powder room for guests? So, it was necessary to venture through one of the bedrooms to get to the facilities. On our way, the pirate and I found ourselves at a standstill in the middle of a creepy bedroom. Personally I was much more confused than she, the girl ventures from Las Vegas, she's seen it all. I on the other hand...well, have not. After a second and a half we realized the owner of Swankville and a woman dressed as Wonder Woman were doing a line of COKE off of the expensive armoire. Not coke like what my mom refers to as "soda pop" and not the kind of line I made my Kindergarteners stand in earlier that afternoon. Like real, hard core, cocaine. Depressed, I whisper, "Wonder woman, is that you?" No wonder she runs so fast.

I lost more than my naivety that Halloween, I lost a hero! I can never look at the homemade red, white and blue cape living in my costume box the same (Yes I own a Wonder Woman costume). What a shame, I had only just made it months before out of an old jazz ditty from a 911 tribute dance performance and some sequins.

I'm shaking my head in disappointment right now. And you should be as well.


Rowdy said…
halloween used to be the best, now it just bores me. the sugar high is still nice tho. takes the edge off the depression.

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