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I'm so happy I could vomit

Seriously, I might vomit.

I don't think most people would be as happy as I am right now, in my current state...let's keep in mind that I'm not most people.

Up until 9:00 yesterday morning I had blood and "fluids" draining out of me. Literally out OF me, like there were tubes that resembled pink Twizzlers sutured into my trunk. It was the sides of my breasts really, but I find that using the word "trunk" makes people (like my father) more comfortable. So you're welcome.
If you read often, or at least have jumped on the blonde train for the last two weeks, you know that I just got my taking-over-the-world chest....surgically reduced. I now claim a moderate D, or at least will once the swelling goes down. Dr. Lee of Del Mar you are a gem!

For some reason this topic doesn't seem allowed as a public post, but with this excitement (or pain killers) brewing inside me, I just can't help but yell it from my world wide web rooftop!

The last three days have been quite humbling. Is there anything better than the people you love bringing you flowers and helping you wipe? I mean really. I had my 48 hour nurse, her name is Mom, and many others doing their part. It really does take a village.

What I have found makes these sorts of events most amusing: being on drugs. While I won't deny loving the pop of an Excedrin Migraine from time to time (as needed of course) I am NOT one of those kids that eats Percoset and Vicodin like Trail Mix. The whole feeling like vomiting thing is actually from these beastly drugs. Sensitive stomach issues really cramping the life style I'm trying to live this week. While I'm beyond even slightly interested in the quasi recreational use of pills, Nurse Annie throwing a little Oxy in my line in the Recovery room did not go unnoticed however, or unappreciated. For me, this moment seemed the best time to make comments related to "sponge baths" to the boyfriend, in front of the mom. Good choices. I learn now that the pervy look on my face probably proved the secret seriousness of my comment. What a creep I am.

So now I recover on the couch, falling in and out sleep (not too far off from my usual afternoon) and catching bits and pieces of Entertainment Tonight and The Soup, which air just about all day long for those of you that would like to be on the pulse of Hollywood.
Today's Goal (just so you're kept ABREASTof the situation): shower


Anonymous said…
So flipping excited for you!!! Can't wait to see the new and (as always) gorgeous you!
Liz said…
how exciting! can't wait to catch up soon!

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