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So happy I could vomit...somore

I've said it before...this is not a "hey check out my life!" blog. If you feel compelled to check out my life you can see my facebook. Yea that's right I post pictures and a status update from time to time, what? That being said, I just can't refrain from an update-ish post...a sequel really, to last week's: I'm so happy I could vomit.

This week I can lift my arms over my head. Yea. I can wash my hair and even reach for a bowl from the cupboard for my cereal in the morning. It's kindofa big deal. Lord knows I need the fiber these days.

In addition to the development of my once T-Rex arm span, I don't have stitches anymore. Now I just have to keep myself from literally vomiting when I change my medical tape every 3 days in the shower. Barf. It'll all be worth it in the near future...once I can run around bra less (like all the other females in Ocean Beach) and get through a day without Extra Strength Tylenol and Law and Order reruns.

I drove my car for the first time post surge and not only felt capable and mentally there (a first in seven days) but also enjoyed the destination and jams awaiting me. If there are two dirty things I love in's J in the B and the Dogg. I drove my car to Jack and the Box and heard Snoop Dogg on the way. I mean get real, curly fries are delicious and any song with Snoop D O double G in it is worth listening to, even if Katy Perry is involved.

Since it's mid month, Obama's people are in between paying me (hello?!) which means today I drove around town, with consciousness and precision, using up the disheveled gift cards from deep within my wallet. With $8 in one's checking account, untouched credit to Sports Authority and Target can be quite useful. For example, tonight's meal, Hamburger Helper, shoved in the back of my pantry, will be eaten in all its glory, because of the $2 frozen ground turkey I was able to purchase at....uh Target. The socks (from other said store that got my biz today) will be handy tomorrow when I go on my first cardio expedition. My current ankle sock inventory needs to be washed, which FYI costs three buckaroos here in my apartment complex. See how it all works out...every time! While some may be stressed on the 14th of the mo when the cash flow becomes a slow drizzle really, I see it as an adventure, and when all goes well (like today) exciting adventure ;)

All this financial venturing will come to a halt soon. What's that you ask? Did I just get offered a full time job with decent pay and excellent benefits? Why yes, yes I did. And it starts next week. This will begin exactly two weeks after becoming a lady-like D cup, the perfect amount of time for recovery and unemployment. Didn't I say it always works out? Don't check posts from three months ago, I may have been singin a different tune. Nonetheless I'm saying it now, life has a way of doing that.

That's about it for the updateISH post. I'll go back to vague, sarcastic rambling ASAP. Don't worry babes, you can sleep tonight ;)


Rowdy said…
im glad you're getting better. (i wish i was)

by spring time this will all be a memory for you.

congrats on keeping your spirits up.

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