I watched my beloved Tuesday night show, Glee this week. The boo's house is not the environment that nurtures my commentary on the episode's choice of Broadway tunes and fashion statements, like I thought it would be. We got through it. Well, he got through it, in reality.
This week's episode was a little off putting for me. I don't consider myself a hiding-under-a-rock Christian (by any means really) and can tolerate, and even participate, in debauchery every now and then. However, this viewer tunes in to Glee because the innocence of the show and its subjects are well, refreshing. ..And I was a Thespian in High School, let's save this for another time.
This week opened with an out of nowhere, out of line Shlessy scene. Generally I'm just fine with these. One of my Thursday night faves, Grey's Anatomy has had a lesbo story line for the last two seasons, am I abandoning this prime time medical soap opera? No I'm not...although I do have some opinions on the banter and bicker seshes displayed by the female doctor duo. Long story short, they're unnecessary and of ammature sorts.
Back on track, Glee's scene was confusing to most of us since we've never seen this interest before from either character, and in fact both cheerleaders (stop your judging) are typically "boy crazy" in every other scene up to date. Only one question: So...they like girls now?
In addition to a sneak attack lesbian scene, we were exposed to the loss of Arty's V card (I don't refer to his Visa and YES, Arty is the guy in the wheelchair) to one of these gone girl cheerleaders! What is going on? Since we're talking abreves, I'll tell you another thing: The "B" word was used not once, but twice! C'mon producers (sometimes I call them Gleeducers, you can too if you want) your show is getting Emmy's and great feed back don't become one of them! Yes, sometimes conforming is optimal, like when I finally gave in and bought my leather Rainbow flip flops in 2005, but in this case...just quit it.
I want my Tuesdays to be full of nerdy high schoolers and music I can can-can in my living room to. Don't make me watch the new hit Hellcats instead. Because I will. If you don't think those previews displaying a half-to a full-to a basket toss stunts are enticing...you're wrong.