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Showing posts from January, 2014


I'm pretty good at labeling things. I particularly enjoy the kind of labels that explain where things go, like on a stack of plastic drawers maybe... I tend to feel like everything should be labeled or loosely fit into a category. Socks and sports bras in the same drawer?! Whaaat?! They both are worn under  things. And I just created a category. In all seriousness how do my husband and kids put up with this? It's a true miracle. One of the many things I love about blogging is that I don't have to fit all that I want to share into just one category.  I can pretend one day that Blonde Story Short is a (fill in your favorite type of blog) blog and the next week it's a (fill in your second favorite type of blog) blog.  I can write whatever I want!  Thank you Blog Spot.  What a contribution you have made to my life, and hopefully others'. Since the beginning of the new year, I've been setting aside time to write, because I really LOVE writing. Since I foun...

What I just learned from bloggin' around

1.  Tartan is cool.  I have a tartan dress that isn't that cool.  Why don't I wear that tartan dress with something over the top (like my BR white button up) and a skinny black belt...and my black hand-me-down booties...and a feminine jeweled necklace?   DUR! # AnythingWithStuds . 2.  I really should spend more time in second-hand/discount stores.  I like designer things.  I don't like designer prices.   Bingo! # LoveCheria 3. Even hardcore people wear the same workout gear over and over and over again. Alright! #HelloDay 4.  I don't have many blogs that I follow.  Bloggateers..."comment" me suggestions if you have them!  Anything from simple great writing, to health/fitness and girly stuff!  Please & Thank you. 5.  Finishing a sentence with just one word that best translates to "But of COURSE!" is my favorite way to show genuine enthusiasm.

In the bathroom at work

I've mentioned before that I'm just not that creative...not even close to some women I know (in person or in blog). Maybe someday I'll be really good at arranging flowers and using a sewing machine, without hurting myself...or getting bored.  Today isn't that day. I do seem to be getting a little more creative (even getting better perhaps) with putting together an outfit.  Most of my creations happen Monday through Friday for work. Being a non-teacher these days has definitely helped this area of my life. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of stylish and adorable teachers. But when I taught, I scanned the scene and quickly realized putting in a mere 10-20% effort into my style met all necessary expectations. I think we were all just really tired most of the time.  I also attribute motivation in this area of my life to my teeny-boppers at home. I want my girls to see that the way a woman presents herself is important....and I really like it when I wear somet...

Know your Limits

Lessons I've already learned tend to be reiterated (or relearned), on my drive to work. I attribute this to two things:  1) I'm usually caffeinated which makes my memory a little better and 2) It's one of the rare times that I'm alone, without a lot of distractions. Like a typical Monday morning, I pushed the clock to the absolute limit today. This particular morning was well worth it since my hub and I decided to stay one more night away, anchored in the middle of the cove. We brought her into the slip with just enough time for me to have some breakfast, throw on something work-appropriate and straighten my bangs*. Of course I couldn't let his efforts with the french press go to waste, so I took my steaming joe to-go.  Keep in mind, my German car does not have a cup holder- German driving is far too serious to pair with beverages. Naturally I'd pushed my gas tank to the limit too...last week. On Friday when I parked with my car on "E," I'd left...