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Know your Limits

Lessons I've already learned tend to be reiterated (or relearned), on my drive to work. I attribute this to two things:  1) I'm usually caffeinated which makes my memory a little better and 2) It's one of the rare times that I'm alone, without a lot of distractions. Like a typical Monday morning, I pushed the clock to the absolute limit today. This particular morning was well worth it since my hub and I decided to stay one more night away, anchored in the middle of the cove. We brought her into the slip with just enough time for me to have some breakfast, throw on something work-appropriate and straighten my bangs*. Of course I couldn't let his efforts with the french press go to waste, so I took my steaming joe to-go.  Keep in mind, my German car does not have a cup holder- German driving is far too serious to pair with beverages.
Naturally I'd pushed my gas tank to the limit too...last week. On Friday when I parked with my car on "E," I'd left myself only one real option for the return to work (and real life)- to turn on the engine and remember that I need to stop for gas and be just a little late to the office. Aside from being late, I hate getting gas. I don't care for Mondays all that much either. You can imagine what a discouraging situation this was for me. While I know I can't do anything I really need to do without gas in my car, I can't help but get a little peeved every time I "waste" money and time fueling up. Necessary evil.  Sort of like shaving your legs. Again, pushing it to the limit, I thought I'd just get as close to work as I could, although I never really know if the red light is saying "Get gas NOW!" or "Hey, maybe you should get gas next Thursday." I blame this terribly lackadaisical attitude on driving a Honda Civic for too many years. How I miss Wanda.

Since I tend to be a pretty lucky gal (I'm literally knocking on wood RIGHT now) I was able to grab a quick $20 worth of gas (what a racket) and make it in before being tardy and having someone notice my bright pink Nikes. Fingers were crossed when I left the boat around 8:30.  As that luck would have it I did have heels in the trunk...just not enough time to get them on my feet.  Prior to getting me and my huge purse (necessary for carrying shoes) inside my building, I thought I'd fit in just one more little task on the way...rubbing antibacterial on my hands surely couldn't wait. Another reason I hate getting gas- just IMAGINE the germs. eek. Truthfully I was tempted to put lotion on too, but why push it?  While getting in that waterless cleansing, I of course released my hold of the cup of joe in the center console for a moment. A moment is all it took.  Ironically some even soaked my air freshener, along with a travel size lotion, sunglasses, nail polish, note pad and fancy name tag for work events.  The struggle is real.  And yes, I have all those things in my center console.

The lesson: Know your limits.  Maybe I'll never totally rid myself of bad "fuel habits" but let's call it a day at that!  There's really never a need to fit in just one more thing.  Mondays are hard enough aren't they? 

*Bangs fool people into thinking that your hair is always done. An effortless pony becomes chic.  Maybe you don't need that option in life- but I for one do! I'm not a style blogger but I may have to do an entire post on bangs some day.  Yup.


Karen Carter said…
You dont blog near enough because when you do they are always so fun to read and make me smile ! Even though it was a stressful morning you found the joy ! and you are so darn cute you can get away with some straight bangs and a quick brush of your teeth :) Just wanted you to know I am still reading ! Love ya
Thank you Thia Karen :) I am definitely making an effort to write more in 2014! It is so much fun to do. I am still following you as well!

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