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Besitos- A Bachelor Final Rose Recap

It is a challenge to really structure this "recap" post, so instead I turn to bullet points- let's call them Besitos.
  • If I had to use one word over and over again, and I did from 8-11pm last night, it would be Awkward! Awkward scenes with Claire, Awkward Venezuelan family scenes, Awkward that Nikki isn't loved...just so awkward.

  • Did anyone else feel I don't know, NOT surprised at all, when Claire shared that she had never "told off" a man before? Yea...we could tell.  We like you for the most part...but that move needs some work.  The worst thing you can ever do while telling someone off is stumble over your (awkward) words.  Truly the only part I could get behind was her Stand-Back-Buddy! pose when he immediately went in for a hug after dumping her (in lieu of proposing). 
Where it all began...the big TELLING Off, that is

  • Hey Nikki, stop pretending you DON'T care if this man says he loves you or not.  It's okay to be a human being and want to be loved...mostly by the person you claimed YOU loved in front of the entire county. Get real. I'm reminded of a scene from my early 20's... I was out in PB with a group of friends, one being an extremely bright friend from college (she's now a Doctor, normal things). Two of us (at the time) had pritty, pritty large chests *This is why "Boobs" is an official Label on this blog, for another time... From inside a cab, the Dr. yelled out the window to some rif raf, "HEY!  YOU WANNA SEE SOME DOUBLE D's!?"  Naturally the entire purpose was to make us Double D'ers squirm. It worked.  The group (of rif raf) surprisingly ignored her.  The Dr's response, "NO?!?....You're a LIAR!"  Case in point. *To take this parallel a bit deeper: Wanting to see big boobs (males) = wanting to be loved (females).  If you say you don't want either, well you're just not telling the truth.  And also, males like love too. 

  • I haven't been a big fan of Sharleen (the Opera lady) this season but I thought she did an amazing job articulating how Juan Pablo's family "warned" the girls about him, then how he completely patronized Claire leading her to ignore her intuition.  I mean literally, his mother said that he was rude and made her cry. His primo (I speak spanish, did you know that?) asked BOTH girls how good at NOT running away they were.  Hmmmm.  Also, I'm beginning to think Sharleen gets prettier and prettier as the time after her dramatic exit goes on.  But last night...that lipstick! I found it a little big terrifying.       
  • bachelor-finale-sharleen-eyelashes
    If her lips were red I'd probably want to be her.  Instead, they're purple.

  • Back to Nikki...She deserves some attention for crying out loud...even if it's just from bloggers! In case you didn't watch, JP (silent J- not to be confused with Bachelorette Ashley's season) wants everything, including whether or not he loves his final rose recipient, to be "private." Poor girl went on the Bachelor for at least a little fame.  Sheesh.  Nikki has a super hot bod. I have to admit if my stomach were that flat, I'd probably dress a little on the provocative side too.  Just being honest.  However, there is a time and definitely a place!  Exposing your entire back and back tat is one thing on a beach in Saint Lucia, maybe even atop a horse.  Heading to meet your future in-laws (OR possibly to your engagement) in such attire is quite another. I'm pretty sure everyone will remember how impressive Nikki's body is even if it's slightly covered up a few times...
Heading to the final rose and romantic "I like you aLOT!" 

  • I absolutely love the way Chris Harrison handled everything on the very awkward (told you I'd keep saying it) After the Final Rose show.  I think I may have said (to the TV) "Good for HIM!" a couple of times. Way to say exactly what "Bachelor Nation" is thinking and handle your own in the midst of such pride and arrogance. Chris really has this gig down.

  • So.  Many.  More. Comments.  But only so many besitos to go around.

  • I close the door on this season with one very important lesson:  Don't marry (or date) the guy that all of America despises.  Don't even marry or date the guy that any of your friends or family despise.  

How about that?


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