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This is how we do it

Alright this just got real. It's March.

As of last week I skied for the last time this season and Winter is officially over. So is not being in shape because it's cold outside.  Between you and me it's really only been cold like twice.

I will readily admit that the only way I work out regularly (which I should do every month, not just March through November) is if I can get it done in the morning before work.  After work I have this total distraction called a family that I want to spend every possible moment it's dark and scary outside! Even though 2014 is the year I become a "Morning Person," I still struggle to get out of bed an hour early to exercise. We're only a quarter way through the year right?

This morning I got to work at 7:15 to get in a pre-work-work-out. Much like I've confessed that I'm not a style blogger, before taking this any further I'd like to also say that I don't think I'm a fitness blogger.  Trust me, I'd love to be both, but instead I'm kind of a wannabe...not to the extent that I was in junior high when I wrote Nirvana and "NIN" on my backpack, but definitely to some extent.

I figure there are plenty of others out there who also have a full time job, family, commitments and so on, that might need to think outside the box for the sake of fitting it all in. And so, I contribute what I can on this topic.

"Outside the box" exercise plan...
Note the paperclip at the top.  Get it? I'm at work.
Photo Collage Clockwise:  Selfie of me being impressed with myself (and my puffy vest)
Walkway from the "15 minuter" route to the top level of our parking structure
Handicap bathroom "get ready" photo opp.
The mirrored building next door- likely where people point and laugh from
Calf raises on the stairs

I work in a pretty industrial area right off one of the busiest freeways in San Diego.  Of all the beautiful options in this town, it's probably one of the least appealing outdoor workout spots.  Why not go to the gym, you ask?  Because going to an entirely different location takes even more time in an already harsh morning- baby steps. Here is my weird little routine I did today, that got me totally sweating and pumped before 8 hours of sitting at a desk.

  • I started out with The 15 minuter- On "15 minute breaks" (this is what you look forward to when you're office bound) some gals and I take little walks. This morning I did the normal route-speed walk style. Since I was wearing my vest and 2011 Nikes, I really owned the whole kinda-cool-Mom look. Fitness people/foot enthusiasts please don't be concerned, I haven't actually been wearing these sneakers since 2011...I've had them since 2012 but got them from Nordstrom Rack where they ended up after being unsuccessful in the 2011 athletic shoe market.
  • My speed walk route ended on the side of my building (I don't own the building, I just work in it...and apparently work out beside it).  See interesting walkway/planter photo above.  Here I proceeded to do a made-up circuit-ish workout. Pinterest has done wonders for getting circuit training ideas out there. Lord knows I won't go to Crossfit at 5am (or pay for that kinda thing) so I take advantage of this free service. I pretend I'm an expert and pick and choose from the many available circuits, to create my own. I'm not sure if the combination of things I do is as great as some of the established "Pinned" ones, but I figure they can't hurt!  
  • Starting at the bottom of the stairs/top of the walkway, I did 25 Jumping Jacks.  Every 5 jacks I did the kind of jack you do to a punching sound in Turbo Kick Boxing classes...or for the cheerleaders out there- an "X Jump" or "Spread Eagle." Those burned some extra calories (I think).
  • Then I skipped steps up the stairs (sort of like lunging up the stairs) to the top and for another 25 Jacks. I did this until I had completed two sets of up-the-stairs-lunges (do I know my exercise terms or what?) and 100 Jumping Jacks, 20 total of them being X Jumps.
  • I ran from the top of the stairs to the bottom of the walkway and back up (can you tell it's an incline in the photo?...'cuz it is) and did lunges in place-24 total on each leg, jumping to switch sides after each 8 *I think those in the biz call all the jumping stuff Plyometrics. I'm sure doing things in increments of 8 is improper in "rep" world , but I can't seem to get away from it (this habit is from taking dance classes in my adolescence! Note:  I really want to write that it's from "being a dancer" but that's a bit of a stretch...and sounds a little uppity). I did this part of the "circuit" twice, running back down and up in between Plyometric lunge things.
  • On the third and fourth time running up and down the little hill (now calling it a hill instead of a walkway) I stopped in between for calf raises.  Not sure how many...I just did it until it burned real bad.   
Then I stretched and got excited that the top of my shirt was soaked (the vest added some insulation I'm sure).

I HIGHLY doubt anyone is jotting down this super innovative Building-side workout but maaaaaybe it presents some ideas and inspiration for getting a little physical before or even during work.  There's no reason this can't be accomplished mid-day during an hour lunch too.  I just happen to take 30 minute lunches (and use them for gossiping in the break room).

And of course I could write an entire additional post on the quick and dirty get-ready in the work bathroom...the one thing I will say for now is this:  It would be impossible without a trusty backpack full of tricks.

And now I leave you with some real inspiration...


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